DirtDiver:I am very pleased to hear that the problems with ESS are resolved with the latest PlugIn!
The CNC machine is also a kind of toy, just for adults only...
Tweakie:In a previous post, I explained why I did not think that a .zip file on the site, DropBox or similar solution is a good idea.
All:The construction of a new web server with web site has taken longer than expected and has been interrupted by other tasks.
Summer semester is a time for me, where I'm more outdoors and working with many of my other volunteer projects, so work on the website took a break. There is only so much time...
I would like the website to run again, as I also plan to use it for my other projects

In the down period, there have been only two inquiries and donations, which I interpreted as falling interest in my JoyPad PlugIn after Mach4 has been released. I could of course be wrong...

Hope it explained a little about what has happened.
If you can not wait for the website, send me a PM with your email (or donate), and I'll send you the latest version of JoyPad PlugIn.
- Joakim