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Author Topic: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0  (Read 346260 times)

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Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #200 on: October 19, 2016, 09:03:29 AM »
Hi. Thanks for the help, but it isn't working. I did what you said.
When i calibrate the joystick knobs at middle point i gives a number of X:127 and  Y:127 for left one. At top left position X:0 and Y:0. And at bottom right X:255 and Y:255. Is this usual for all joysticks? Or this is maybe causing the problem because the programing is considering different numbers or conditions for the behaviour of this knobs.
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #201 on: October 19, 2016, 09:19:29 AM »
127 is the correct position. Should work fine.

You said that the incremental jogging is working... The only difference between incremental and continuous is the use of the 5, 6, 7 and 8 buttons. 5 and/or 6 for continuous and 7 and/or 8 for incremental. Check in the plugin setup page is everything is set correctly. Usually there is a desktop shortcut for the plugin settings page.
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #202 on: October 19, 2016, 09:48:26 AM »
I am sorry, do you refer to CONFIG from Config Plugin in Mach3 for the this plugin or other plugin setup?. I don't fully understand...
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #203 on: October 19, 2016, 03:37:16 PM »
Another setup. JoyPadSetup.exe. Usually it is on desktop. There you can chose from different gamepads or manually assign different functions for each button or combinations. Check the JoyPad user manual pdf for more information.
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #204 on: October 20, 2016, 06:50:01 AM »
OK. I understand now. I have changed buttons 5-6 to 7-8 and viceversa and still the same. Do you think this could be related to Hotkey configuration in Mach3? I will try to assing X Y Z movement with keygrabber to the knobs to check if this problem continues.
Thanks very much for your help. 
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #205 on: March 21, 2017, 09:40:24 AM »
Just wanted to provide a bit of feedback on my experience with this Joypad plugin, but first I wanted to thank you guys for the effort you've put in to developing this useful tool!  

So, I purchased a two-pack of very simple retro SNES game controllers to use on two Taig desktop CNC machines.  I downloaded the joypad plugin, and overall it was relatively easy to modify the provided example script to determine which button combinations are pressed, and then to display messages, and take certain actions.

One potential issue I note is that on this style of controller, it has the "X-Y joystick" portion, the SELECT, and START buttons, the BN, BE, BS, and BW buttons, and the SL and SR bumper buttons, but there are no AL or AR buttons.  I believe this limits me from using STEP JOGGING mode in X/Y directions.  I chose this controller because it has very few buttons or joysticks because I wanted limited functionality to mimic what I have used the keyboard to do--setting up my X, Y, and Z axis values, and moving the table away from the Z-column to allow me to move work, etc...  My intention was to have the XY in the obvious location, and then to use the SL or SR with BN for Z upward, and with BW for Z downward.  I specifically picked a very limited joypad to limit the number of inputs to avoid confusion--I already have complete support from the keypad for unusual or complex activities...

I had hoped to use the SL or SR with BE and BS to toggle the jog between step and continuous, and perhaps to cycle through the step sizes.  As I look further at this, it seems that toggling the jog-mode (CTRL-J in Mach3) is not supported (nor is explicitly setting the mode to continuous or step).  I believe my only option for moving the Z up or down is through scripting GCode.

Am I misunderstanding the limits of the plugin?  If I'm not, I'm surprised by a couple of choices.  First, limiting the mapping of Z output to only work on 3-axis or greater joypads, when all have available buttons, and this very closely maps use of keyboard.  Second, is the many options that seem far less useful from a joystick, though great for a keyboard (edit gcode, shifting screens, etc...).  Third is fixing the X/Y with assumption all joypads have AL and AR buttons.

Any feedback on how best to use this plugin is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #206 on: March 21, 2017, 12:38:11 PM »
On further reading, I realized that the "Special Commands" that are in Gray in the manual are not unsupported, rather they don't have their own dedicated function from the drop-lists. 

That said, some of them are not working for me.  I tried the example from the beginning of the thread, implementing Z-Up as:
   DoOEMButton 205
   DoOEMButton 311
   Message "Z Up"

   and for Z-Down as:

   DoOEMButton 205
   DoOEMButton 312
   Message "Z Down"

I see the text messages but I get no activity.  If however, I use something like\:
  DoOEMButton 2


 DoOEMButton 3

I see the screens change when the buttons are pushed...

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #207 on: March 22, 2017, 01:18:40 PM »
Not sure if anyone has a suggestion, but I'm confused.

The joypad plugin is working because I can decode the buttons and get appropriate messages in from the script, but the DoOEMButton(311) commands are ignored. 

Within the VBEditor, if I run the script, the DoOEMButton(311) or DoOEMButton(312) actually move the Z-axis as intended. 

I worked around this for the Alt+Up/Down buttons, by reading the Jog Increment Size DRO (828 index) and the current Z-axis DRO (802 index) and inserted code to move the Z up or down by that amount.  Weird to have to work around this to achieve the result, but it's working.

I'm not sure how to work around continuous jogging to make it work though because I would need to turn the jogging off when the button is released, but the joypad script is only called when a button is pushed.

Anyone advice would be appreciated a bunch.

Best Regards
Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #208 on: April 21, 2017, 02:02:32 AM »
I really appreciate this plugin.
I was unable to donate using the Donate button on your webpage at :


Error "Some required information is missing or incomplete. Please correct your entries and try again."

Is there any other way to donate ? Thanks

Re: USB JoyPad and game device plugin - New Version 2.0
« Reply #209 on: June 04, 2017, 01:23:51 AM »
Hi Joakim

Firstly thank you so much for this plugin it has been working for me for a couple of years now.

However I have just had to change PC's and have upgraded to Win 7 and also downloaded the latest version of the plugin.

Everything set up fine and I started using the machine again but ....

If I continuous jogged in any direction and then left the joystick in the direction and changed from Cont to Step the machine would jog for about 0.7mm before switching to Step mode.

I went through every setting I could find and could find nothing different to the XP machine except the version. Win 7 had the latest plugin (2.0.1) and XP had 2.0.

I installed 2.0 and my problem went away.

Is this a bug in 2.0.1 or maybe an bug in 2.0 that works well
