>>Interesting, how good of a surface finish can achieved using this method?
To be honest, I dont know. these are images from initial testing of the mode. Im finding things I wish to add more code to correct,
and lessons to be learned on how to best organize an image for burning. I suspect these initial images will be far surpassed as I
get further into learning how to deal with it. There seems little published on laser in a 3d context, most work seems focused on powerful
lasers ( 100 watt or more) to do 3d, but they do it in one pass. This is fine, but the bottom of their cut is likely very low power
as it would be 3.5mm away from focus, so this multi-focus method allows a set power at every level.. takes longer ,but the results
should be as good or better as the focus is also tight at all levels and power requiirements are much lower, Ive done them in pine at 5 watts.
It does require a Z table motion though..
I have tested acrylic, it also works there, but I dont have a good example to show as I find they need to be quite deep
to be photographed well. Here is an early test though in plexiglass...