Those of you that have been following this (never ending) thread will know that between Andrea in Italy and myself in the UK we have spent quite a lot of time putting the Mach Impact / Laser engraving plugin through it’s paces. Although there are still some improvements that could be made to the plugin and it still has a lot of mileage left in it, the legacy issue of it’s requirement for a parallel port are starting to show and it is perhaps time to start looking at alternatives.
In the Eastern European countries, for many years, it has been common practice for black marble monuments and remembrance plaques to display an engraved ‘photographic style’ of image and this has inevitably prompted the development of CNC software to complete the task. One such software is “DotG” a Hungarian program which has just had an English translation version released. It is completely ‘free of charge’ and can be downloaded from here works in an entirely different way to the Mach plugin insofar as it creates GCode from a pre-processed 1 Bit image and although I haven’t quite got my postprocessor completely sorted everything looks extremely promising so far.
It is early days yet but I will keep you posted of my experience with this software as I learn more.
This example image of Audry Hepburn with the glamour of the 1950/1960’s was laser cut into some scrap MDF whilst I was testing various settings and it would, I think, look quite stunning cut into some mirror tile (project awaiting).