Hey there Tweakie -
I've actually been using the plugin since completing my own laser a week or so ago - and I have to say, thank you very much for the changes that you made. They work great.
In general, I've found the plugin to work great. Took a couple of passes to figure it out, but it's simple, and does the trick.
My only problem with it is more a problem with my own laser and it's design. I'm using a pot to control the 0-5 volt signal to my laser power supply, and unfortunately I don't have a display showing me the current voltage that I'm sending, which makes repeating my past successes challenging. When I get it right though, it's pretty amazing.
The only bummer is, I will also probably end up using a third party control card, such as the RetinaEngrave or something similar. I would like to combine some vector and raster work into single pieces with varying power levels, and while I can get it working using a couple of different steps in Mach3, it's just not to the level of simplicity and replication that I need in a hobby laser. Well, the combination of the two, at least. The actual vector and raster operations individually are a snap.
I will continue to use this plugin for small runs that I have, it works great. And I like that it doesn't require any other external software. It's really pretty cool!
Thanks again for keeping this going!