Hi Greg,
No worries, you know me, I am always happy to post my thoughts and opinions.
I have carried out extensive testing of Artsoft's corrected / modified M10 P1 / M11 P1 command set and can honestly say that I have had no problems with the M10 P1 command and the way in which it operates with a laser. IMO it is just perfect.
Perhaps it is common for us to blame tools for not working in the way which we want them to work rather than learn how to use these tools to our best advantage. (I have read far too many posts, on this forum, mentioning a bug within Mach which subsequently turns out to be a bug within the user).
The most important thing here is to understand the way Mach behaves, once this is understood then code and post processors can be tailored to suit. We all have our own preferences but my post processors always end the code with an M10P1 prior to the home move.
If you are having problems you could, if you wish, set your spindle to Output #1 then use the M5 command or, as an end command configure Mach to turn off all outputs then use M30 followed by a CR or %, which most post processors use as a standard program ending anyway.
If you could post a code sample of just where you are having difficulties or detail the problem I would be happy to investigate and suggest a solution.