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Author Topic: Gertrude Gets Some!  (Read 371941 times)

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Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #350 on: November 02, 2014, 08:51:32 PM »
Ha! nope .. having hair at all is an issue now days..

here is a copy of the build to so far from 3dcad.. its ALMOST there, my last headache is wiring the limits built into the A and B axis'

I made the decision to add a 5th Axis to my Minitech Minimill 2 as a hobby project.

I bought a second hand Minitech 5th axis trunnion table unit from fellow forum member Stewy, and assigned a little time each weekend to work on it.

The initial arrival was a worry as it looked far to big for my table.. but it worked out ok.

The BEFORE shot:

Getting the 5th Table positioned required some poking around before the stripdown occurs.

4th Axis off...

Tool Probe off, XY table ready to fit the trunnion.

This position is the only way it will fit and still allow access to the tool probe.

Probe is available.. Just barely..

Cutting forward of the table is impossible.. but the back 120degree of A and teh full 360 of B will suffice

The wiring!!:

I solved my 5V issue by using an external PS 5V 1000ma. It is wired it to a plug socket so that swop out will be easy if this dies (see white plug point wired in the back)

From the initial layout to get motion, the task of fitting it all in the original controller box seem daunting.. but a beer later it was solved.. sometimes resolving an issue requires walking away from it and coming back..

And its all in... Again a very tight fit..

I also mounted the B driver board to left of the main 48V power supply

As for the B driver I had to reduce it from 2.7A to 2.1A, in my burn in test B stepper was running way to hot.. I wired it to the only space left, above the power inlet.

and all assembled and running! (still need to solve the A and B limit wiring)

I have no hard data for the stepping/microstepping of the B axis so some poking in the Motor Tuning got me to a guesstimate of about 1250 steps/per, which after tests below of 20 and 40 revolutions of the B axis turned out to be pretty accurate.. (I will go play the lotto next!)

Line up cutter with edge of D tooth on the chuck

Then Lifted Z, and ran B7200 in test1,B14400 in test2.

Then drove Z back down to photograph and examine. EXACT as far as I can tell.

And the Burn in running!!!


The "run in" code i wrote it longhand so use with caution whomever else may follow this thread in future, it relies on you already having zeroed out stuff in safe distances.. it then loops a reasonably safe bit of code 50 times. "reasonably safe being relevant to your experience level...



M98 P01 L50

« Last Edit: November 02, 2014, 09:00:44 PM by Chris.Botha »
Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #351 on: November 02, 2014, 10:30:05 PM »
Very nice job

Any problem programing with 5 axis?


Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #352 on: November 02, 2014, 11:27:20 PM »
pretty good question as ive not actually written on and run it yet.. I got the 5th axis version of RhinoCam and took a poke at it once so far..
the pathing is easy.. its doping it so it doesn't hit stuff that wil be more challenging..


Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #353 on: November 04, 2014, 07:20:33 PM »
ok so i progressed..

the machine is pretty much modelled so i can detect crashes and I have written a few paths to play around..


Offline rcaffin

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #354 on: November 07, 2014, 04:07:03 AM »
Hi Chris

I like the idea of having A & B axes.

But I worry about the layout of the electronics. I had a very compact box like that once. It was fine until it stopped. Then I found out just how hard it was to work on it! Verged on the impossible. OK, it WAS impossible.

My current electronics system is very much '2D' in layout. You can get at everything from above. Debugging is easy. Since my system has just had a total rebuild, that was a bit essential. Yes, total: replaced the USB SS with an ESS, added two MB-20 BoBs, replaced the old (dying) servo drivers with Gecko 320Xs, replaced the (spectacularly) dying SCR-based KBMG spindle drive with a MOSFET unit (much quieter motor but the RFI was incredible), and added some custom interface cards and opto isolators for the encoders and the eStop system. Getting a CRO in there was so easy from above.


Offline Chris.Botha

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Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #356 on: November 16, 2014, 04:56:29 AM »
Excellent work Chris - that looks like it is working just fine for you now.


Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #357 on: November 16, 2014, 05:11:14 AM »
Hey Tweakie, long time no see.. thanks dude. Yeah the X is still way off, if you watch the last cut from A0 you can see the "offcut" wax has thicker areas in X.. TBH havent dailed in X and Y yet, but 5th is quite forgiving ;)

Offline Chris.Botha

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #358 on: November 16, 2014, 05:16:18 AM »
Hi Chris

I like the idea of having A & B axes.

But I worry about the layout of the electronics. I had a very compact box like that once. It was fine until it stopped. Then I found out just how hard it was to work on it! Verged on the impossible. OK, it WAS impossible.

My current electronics system is very much '2D' in layout. You can get at everything from above. Debugging is easy. Since my system has just had a total rebuild, that was a bit essential. Yes, total: replaced the USB SS with an ESS, added two MB-20 BoBs, replaced the old (dying) servo drivers with Gecko 320Xs, replaced the (spectacularly) dying SCR-based KBMG spindle drive with a MOSFET unit (much quieter motor but the RFI was incredible), and added some custom interface cards and opto isolators for the encoders and the eStop system. Getting a CRO in there was so easy from above.


Hi Roger, yes, been thinking about a rebuild of the controller,
I actually have a old server that is in a MASSIVE case.. and its current board is more than ample to run Mach3,

and if i dump its raid array and dvd rom bays, the driver boards etc would easily fit..


that is  a project for another day.....

Offline rcaffin

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Re: Gertrude Gets Some!
« Reply #359 on: November 16, 2014, 05:32:56 AM »
Hi Chris

Go for it.

I am embarking on my fourth rebuild tomorrow. Replacing my hand-wired custom opto interface boards with engraved PCBs, and replacing the rats nest of wires with properly organised (and screened) cable bundles. The big blocks - ESS, BoBs, Geckos etc, all stay - although one or two may be moved slightly on the 3 mm Al plate chassis.

PS: that wax sure cuts easily!