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Messages - sshneider

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Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: Video plugin crashing windows?
« on: May 16, 2008, 02:55:52 PM »
Uh,  ok- sorry for the misunderstanding but I still think it's a conflict- have you tried runing the optimize utility?  ???

Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: Video plugin crashing windows?
« on: May 16, 2008, 10:08:33 AM »
Yo Yo Fellas,

Haven't had much time lately for video (been makin' chips) but saw activity over here and thought I'd jump in...

I am not runing a laptop so my info might not be totally relevant but perhaps it might get your "wheels" turning.  I too have seen the video crash dialog box.  This problem occurred with the very first Logitech camera I used.  This camera REQUIRED that you load the Logitech driver disc that came with the camera in order for the computer to recognize it.  Of course this disc installs a bunch of other ancillary programs/diagnostics/etc (read 'crap') that wasn't necessary.

Usually the video driver crash/error dialog would pop up when I closed the 3D video window, tried to access the 'source' button on the plugin  or stopped a scan in the middle of its process.  I wasn't really happy with the results from this camera and decided to switch to a camera that did not require any kind of special driver software package (i.e. plug it in and windows detects it and it works)  Nothing fancy, just a 'plain jane'.

Since the camera change, I have not had any problems with the stopped scans in process since I saw this problem and have not had this problem since.  Things just simply got a lot more stable with a different camera/driver combo.

Also, once I noticed this 'slow to a crawl problem.  When I look at the 'My Computer' screen it shows the devices connected to my machine (i.e. drives and other stuff like the camera).  Clciking on the camera icon will open up a preview window of what the camera 'sees'.  I opened this window and then launched Mach.  Mach ran like a Snail.  Something, somewhere was competing for the camera's resources and Mach lost the battle.  I closed the cameras video window thinkng that would speed things up but, it did not.  I had to restart the computer to regain performance.

I think there was one other occurance when I experienced performance issues and that was when I was trying to access my Mach 3 computer using a remote control software package called 'log me in'.  I was able to remotely control the computer but there seemed to be a delay so I discontinued using remote.

Bottom line here is, Mach should run like a rocket- video or not.  The scan Tom is referring to should have only taken him 1-2 minutes (if not less).  I would go crazy if a scan to 2 hours.  Currently I run either the Video window or the 3d Plugin (but not both at the same time) and things run fine and FAST.  If you are experienceing performance issues, something in your system is conflicting. 

It's hard to go through each and every other driver/software package you have runing on your machines to isolate what's causing your particular problem so, my advice to you would be:

-Run the driver test utiilty that comes with Mach to see how your machine is performing
-Run the optimize utility that is available from the downloads page and see if that finds anything that will help.
-Run a 'msconfig' command and look at the 'startup' tab to see if you can spot and processes that begin during startup which may be interferring and try removing them

Hopefully you will find something.

Good Luck,


I don't use a lathe but, I thought that the Keyboard shortcut for Z axis was the Page Up/Page Down keys.  Arrow Keys only work in the Motor Tuning config.  Maybe it's different for Lathe though???


General Mach Discussion / Re: Probe Digitize Question
« on: May 14, 2008, 10:17:53 AM »
Not sure if there is one 'right' answer to this question...

The 3D probing plugin which is a free download generates a kind of Gcode directly from the scan but, this might not be the 'ideal tool path as it is really just a point cloud with X,Y & Z coords.  IF you edit the file and add commands Like M3, G01, F, etc you might get a cut that looks representative.

Rhino 4 (a free download) will readt .txt point cloud files and then you need to mesh and surface the cloud and save it in a format that can be generated into G-Code.  Rhino will only let you do 25 Meshes, then you have to buy.

Meshcam will generate G-Code from surfaced cloud files.  Ger21 wrote a macro for Autocad that reads point clouds so you can save as.dxf which Lazycam could theoretically generate the Code for but, I never could get his macro working, maybe you might have more luck?


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: Post your Point Clouds Here!
« on: May 11, 2008, 05:22:56 PM »
OK, here's my theory based on playing around thus far...

I have never been able to really make the Ignore variable work correctly when the scan subject was lying directly on the table.  I DO calibrate my block to the table BUT it seems that whenever I increased the Ignor variable to a point that it would actually eliminate the zero plane, I would lose data from the subject.

This could be just my set up and the inaccuracies thereof.  My work around was to elivate the scan subject by placing a shim underneath.  Obviously the shim was smaller than the subject so it would not be scanned.

You can do some pruning in MachCloud but, it's hard to get that kind of accuracy due to the size/inability to zoom in (as of yet I hope  ;D )
I have been able to do some 'precision' pruning using Rhino but we've already been there.  Hopefully Art will be finished with LazyTurn soon and will resume work on the Video Probing package (wink wink-nod nod)  ;)

I have another idea that I want to run by you but I'm short on time right now and it should be put under a different topic- TTYL!


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: Post your Point Clouds Here!
« on: May 11, 2008, 07:13:16 AM »
Wow- I wish my first scan turned out that good!  Nice!

Looks like you need to play with the "Ignore" variable to eliminate the Zero plane (or raise the key above your table a little bit).

Also,  Meshing won't work unless the Cloud is sufficiently Decimated.  You need to Decimate a few times to reduce the point cloud density then try Meshing.


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: MachCloud point viewer program
« on: May 11, 2008, 07:09:13 AM »
Glad to hear things are going well.

The problem you are having with Mach slowing down is not right.  That scan you did should have been completed in about 15 seconds- not 3 hours.  There is some other issue with your laptop or the video driver for that camera.  Do you have ANYTHING else runing in the background or just MACH 3 with the 3d Plugin?  Any other video windows being open will slow you down- EVERYTHING else HAS to be closed.  Do you have quicktime loaded on that laptop?  That will kill you also.


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: MachCloud point viewer program
« on: May 10, 2008, 07:29:28 PM »
Hey Tom,

I downloaded the 1st version from a link that Art posted in one of his messages at the beginning of this thread- should still be there- if not lemme know and I'll send it to you.

In order to 'orbit' the view in Mach Cloud you need a wheel mouse .  Touchpad on a laptop won't work (at least not on mine).  The roller wheel allows the rotation.

Also Rhino is a good program for viewing the point clouds.  Download and viewing Clouds are free but you have a limit on saving meshed files.

Let's see some clouds!!!


Video P*r*o*b*i*n*g / Re: setting up camera and laser
« on: May 10, 2008, 06:29:14 AM »
Hey Tom,

I fouund (and used) the flip feature in the camera's driver software settings.  You can find that in Mach by clicking the stop video, then camera source- should bring up the camera settings.  Remember to Start the video again when you exit out of settings.

Good Luck!



Yeah I agree- I don't know where he came up with the 531 and what you say makes perfect sense.  I guess what you say about oversize it makes sense but then again, it seems everywhere I go, I see dudes oversizing the HELL out of everything (gauges of steel, amount and pressure of concrete, Engine sizes (i.e. do most people really NEED a 5.0 liter V8?)  Where does it stop?

Have you looked at the SureServo visual sizer software?  I think the true answer lies in there but, as of yet I have not been able to figure it out  :-\  Maybe I'll hollar at Brett and see if he can help me with it?


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