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General Mach Discussion / Re: Toolpath display question in Turn
« on: January 14, 2012, 10:17:00 AM »
Wow, that were quick!

It's cold as a well digger's behind here (by my standards anyway) and I'm waiting for the shop to heat up a bit before venturing out there.  I'll post back in bit.

General Mach Discussion / Toolpath display question in Turn
« on: January 14, 2012, 10:04:55 AM »
Hi all, new user/purchaser...trying to muddle my way forward.  Great program & forum!;D

So far all of my CNC'ing has been in Turn and has been modification/repair work on existing parts with the code being handwritten from CAD drawing coordinates until I get better at the wizards and/or LazyTurn.

I have had to touch off & zero on an external feature of the parts with the x-axis zero point nowhere near the spindle centerline.  The toolpath display screens on most are rather bizarre and I have trouble determining if the path "looks right" before hitting cycle start.  Is there any way to offset the display screen's zero point?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Neophyte question about Video Window Plugin
« on: October 20, 2011, 11:40:44 PM »
I hate to admit it but once again, I'm a dunce! 

All I had to do was click the reset button and the jog functions work fine.  Thanks for the help!

Now onward to other challenges. ;D

General Mach Discussion / Re: Neophyte question about Video Window Plugin
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:24:45 PM »
Thanks!  That'd be great to see if your camera & video window does the same as mine.  (Only if you get a spare moment of course.)

I read a little bit about Klaus's plugin during my initial searches here.  I'm not sure I've progressed far enough down the Mach noobness trail to attempt it unless it's dead easy.  When it comes to computers, I can screw up an anvil!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Neophyte question about Video Window Plugin
« on: October 20, 2011, 03:52:32 PM »
Ahh, OK thanks. :)

I just downloaded CentreCam and am going to load it onto an old laptop so I can monitor tool position in real time while it's being jogged into place.  I have to precisely widen a circlip groove from .026" to .036" with a new radius in the bottom corners.

At my age it's hard to even see that tiny of a job! ::)

General Mach Discussion / Neophyte question about Video Window Plugin
« on: October 20, 2011, 09:40:58 AM »
Hi all; new member, 1st post. :)

I've been cramming as much info as possible from this great forum for the past few weeks.  What a fantastic group!  I'm positive you guys could solve any problem.  Matter of fact, could ya'll take a few weeks and fix our economy?  Should be a piece o' cake for you fellers! ;D

Anyhoo, I installed a webcam on my little CNC lathe to use for a very fiddly, precise setup procedure.  It installed fine, Mach 3 (Demo version) recognized it and opened up a video screen perfectly.  Awesome!  By the way, the job I'm trying to do will pay for a license when it's finished...yay!

Only problem is that I thought I would be able to watch the video image and jog the tool into position at the same time.  Unfortunately, as soon as I switch to the video screen, the jog keys stop working.  I close the screen and the keys work again.  Is that normal or is there a way to get them both to work together.


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