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Messages - fixittt

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General Mach Discussion / Re: BAD DECISSION
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:12:16 AM »
The setup for that controller should be very basic.
Would need to see a pic of the controller, to see if it has spindle or relay controls.
make sure the motors for 1 are enabled.
x 2 step-3 dir  step port and direction port are 1 for all motors
y 4-5
z 6-7
a 8-9

Estop is pin 10.  With the button out you should be able to click reset in mach.  If it wont reset saying EStop requested, the set the E stop active low.  Also on port 1
Motor tuning I think is going to be 400 steps per. with about half in the acceleration slider.

This should get the machine moving.

I got the router 3040 router that was painted tan.  The controller is a POS I am sad to say.  I made sure that it did work, then I ripped the motors off and put a new set of motors and controller on it.  Made a HUGE difference in performance.  In some drag engravings, I noticed that the OEM setup would round corners and make funky shapes.

I have had alot of people ask about the drag engravings that I do, so I made one that will fit a collet, Took some crappy pictures along the way.  Tossed them into a crappy video and here you go.  Simple yet very effective.


Here it is doing a bit of work.


its been running gcode in the air since yesterday.  X and Y zero back to my gauge.  looks like a great cheap simple controller option. 

I have been hunting for a small cheap pc to run mach3 off of.
I love this little guy.  The PIPO x9

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 and Windows 7
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:15:44 AM »
before you move over, take screen shots of all the settings for mach.  You may find that your current XML is not playing as it should.  Just setting up a new XML with all the same settings has solved/fixed several problems in the past for me.  I deal with a large quantity of mach3 ran machines.  When ever I am moving mach/new computer, I always configure a new XML on the new machine. Food for thought.

Just an FYI, we solved this problem and a few others over email.  topic can be closed.
It was more of a machine configuration error then an artcam post processor issue.  All is working as it should.

good to hear!  Glad its solved.

int he ports and pins/spindle setup, there is a general parameters section where delays can be setup.  Are you sure you do not have a delay set in any of the fields?  defaults are 1 second.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Running Mach3 in Windows 10 (Registered)
« on: January 12, 2016, 06:13:16 AM »
UC100 is by far the easiest to get setup and running.  it is a great piece of hardware.  I have installed hundreds of them.  The only problem I have ever run into with one was a bad cable.

General Mach Discussion / Re: MACH 3 Clairification
« on: January 12, 2016, 06:09:35 AM »
windows 7 and windows 10 64bit, YES but only with a usb signal generator. no printer port drivers. I have done it many times
usb 2 yes
usb3 should be backwards compatible, no speed increase,
cable, keep it short.  standard cable length RF noise can creep in causing Estops
Post a pic of the control box for your router, but normally they are very low quality, I would have to see your XML to see if the spindle is setup.
The roadrunner gcode is in inches so the feedrate commands are going to be very slow on a metric setup machine.  Ohh and the roadrunner is going to be very small.  The gcode for the roadrunner is for a large format router and will crash your small one.

using the MDI line you can type in m03 s5000 and see if that starts your spindle.  BTW that is a zero not a O.  M05 should turn it off if it does come on.   The M03 command has to be at the top of the gcode and m05 at the bottom.

Hope this helps. 

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