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Messages - sshneider

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LazyCam (Beta) / LCAM Ver 2.66 has new layout and I'm confused...
« on: November 18, 2006, 05:10:44 PM »
It seems that my "layer Control" button at the top has been replaced with 'Autoclean Settings'.  I like the new Autoclean settings button but, I kinda miss my layer control.  Is it gone forever?  If so, how can I prevent a layer from being cut but NOT delete it from the file? 

Also, I accidentally closed the Layer/Object Properties box and couldn't get it to show again (I finally closed LCAM and re-opened and there it was but, is there a way to show and hide it without getting out of the program?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Problem launching external editor
« on: November 15, 2006, 01:23:40 PM »

U DA MAN!!!   

Pure Genius!  That works perfect!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Problem launching external editor
« on: November 14, 2006, 10:43:01 PM »
I just tried assigning wordpad in ver 2.0 and got an error message.  Wordpad does open but, the message says 'failed to open document'.  I tried assigning Micro Word (winword.exe) and it works fine.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Contour Shuttle and rel. 2.009
« on: November 13, 2006, 07:10:11 PM »
Ya know, I had a problem with mine too.  EVERYTHING stopped working.  I re-downloaded the plugin and re-installed the plugin and everything OK.  It's one of the WTF's????

General Mach Discussion / Re: Fast Z on 2.5D machine
« on: November 06, 2006, 03:48:35 PM »
That's kind of an older version, I would upgrade to the 2.0 ver for starters.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Different use of Mach3
« on: October 23, 2006, 10:28:45 PM »
George, you said you are using a plural component Urethane or Epoxy resin.  Don't you have to introduce 2 components and mix them to get a reaction?  This would me 2 valves and some kind of a mixing/impingement  chamber.  Does the dispense valve device you showed us do this?  Have you thought about how you are going to flush out the dispenser after your shots?

Personally, I don't see how a stepper motor is going to be anywhay fast enough to control a couple of drops of dispensed resin.  Pnuematically actuated valves (as Hood suggested) is definitely the way to go. 

If it where me, I would do what Hood suggested, use the M7 or M8 command to trigger a shot timer (you can set it for fractions of a second) that will dispense the correct amount of resin.  This IMHO, would be much more controlable.

Just my $.02


General Mach Discussion / Re: setting machine coordinates to zero??
« on: October 23, 2006, 06:58:08 AM »
You Can't reset machine coordinates as you describe.  You can however, use work/fixture offsets to rezero and deal with the problem you are having.

Check out the Coordinates/Homing video tutorial



Are you confirming that FRO does in fact effect a G0 command? 


Yeah, ditto that.  I have been able to save also in dxf R14 with success.  Had problems in the begining because the size/physical dimensions were HUGE due to another issue (the .jpg to .dxf converter made everything WAY to big and I had to scale my dxf files down (in ACAD ver 2002) in order to get LazyCam to do it's thing.  But, it does work.

Would you mind posting your dxf file so we can take a look (or have you done some basic di commands in ACAD to see exactly what size/scale you are dealing with?


Weird, G0 should run @ full speed (i.e. whatever you have set on your motr tuning settings). 

Can you get your motors to turn faster by using a G01 command with say,an F150 preceeding it to make it overide to 150% of normal speed?

First I would say if you are not runing the 1.8 ver then take the leap and do the upgrade to the latest ver (I think it is RC2.0G).  Then, let us know what your motor tuning settings are- something is fishy.


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