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Messages - fixittt

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General Mach Discussion / Running a axis as a lathe/spindle
« on: May 09, 2012, 03:35:48 PM »
I got asked this question
A axis is setup on pins 8 and 9
Is there a way to have the rotary table continusly rotate like a chuck lathe and still be able to jog the other axis`s while its rotating?

Using the MDI line and giving a a large value will run the A but locks the ability to manually jog the other axis`s

any ideas?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Unwanted Step Pulses
« on: April 30, 2012, 09:00:34 PM »
Just found this thread.  Glad you got it solved with the new lpt port.

I didnt see anything that listed any mach 3 settings.  I am willing to bed that your original problem was the step and direction pulse width.  I have seen this before a couple times.  Mainly when running very large Gcodes with tons of Z axis moves.

Upping the step and direction pulse widths cured the problems.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Y-Axis not working, please help
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:33:39 PM »
man I hate to say this..........
I have been down that road, the xylotex is good for beginner cnc to learn on ect.  But it has inherent flaws.

My recommendation to you (and I understand that its not always possible)  but get a 48v power supply and a gecko G540.  your machine will not strain anymore (with the xylotex and the 24v power supply you are nurturing your steppers)  if you have the 269 oz steppers that xylotex sales, they are way way under powered!

Also you will get rid of the harmonics that cause the steppers to miss steps.  I promise you this.  The machine will run smoother, faster and more stable.  So much in fact that you will be amazed and swear that its a whole different machine.   Give the motors the voltage and amps they want.  YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!! and all the little quirks will do away as well.   

I know this sounds like a sales pitch...... I have been down this road.  I have 3 g540s in service and I gave away the xylotex box.  I even have one of the very first G540s that was ever shipped.  If that tells you anything. FRIGGEN bullet proof!

just stumbled upon this with a client.
At the top of a code, if you click the run from here at line 0  it blast thru the gcode without moving the machine......

My first though is that the line 0 cannot exist
it could be a verify feature that runs the code to check for errors.

Im just wanting to know if this is normal

I know, I know I am going to get bombarded with a bunch of "Press cycle start to start the program"  The client I was working with is new to mach 3 and I got him lined out with the cycle start to run the code.
I just wanted for my info more then anything else why it did this.  Its not a problem or anything.

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis setup with a gecko drive
« on: February 12, 2012, 11:00:14 PM »
hopefully you now understand what and how it means... You were really really close.........

once you understand HOW and why it does what it does..... things seem to be alot more simple.

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis setup with a gecko drive
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:23:28 PM »
you motor is 1.8 degrees per step...... so each full step is 1.8 degrees.  Now add the micro stepping (10)  you get what 5.555 steps per degree?  The motor is 200 steps per rev.  The steps per in mach 3 is not per revolution, its steps per DEGREE  So your settings tell mach to take 4 steps per DEGREE to be able to make a 360 degree rotation.  

General Mach Discussion / Re: 4th axis setup with a gecko drive
« on: February 12, 2012, 04:53:23 PM »
The steps per for a rotary are per degree. 

set it so that it will make a 360 degree rotation if it goes more then 360, lower the steps per..... or vice versa.

alot of people dont realize that the steps per is not linear but rotational

General Mach Discussion / Re: after the crash!!!!
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:39:11 AM »
yeah what HE said!  LOLOL

General Mach Discussion / Re: Crazies Motors !!!... Please Help!!!
« on: December 24, 2011, 07:13:55 AM »
first thing I would do is check all cables.  With the power off.  Unplug the cables and plug them back up making sure they are tight.  If you do not have the motor cables screwed into the G540, screw them in.  If they come unplugged whiled powered up it can damage the G540.

If that doesnt help, run a back up of the XML.  Mach 3 keeps periodic backups, you can specify how many days or so you want to go back.

When mach3 does funky stuff, I re-setup a new XML and that typically solves it.  As mentioned in many threads its a good idea to keep a backup of your working xml on a memory stick.  I also like to take screenshots of all the settings that way i can quickly reset back up if the XML ever goes south.

General Mach Discussion / Re: after the crash!!!!
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:59:49 AM »
if its an open loop stepper based system then it cannot be the computer as there is no loop back to the computer from the electronics.  Mach 3 doesnt know the power was cut.

Is this a smooth stepper based system?  Even then there is no loop back, but the reason I ask is that I always use the ESC button on the keyboard for the STOP.  I never smack an EStop button.  If its a Smooth stepper based system, and you try and use the STOP or Pause buttons in Mach 3 then there is a buffer delay before the machine will stop, but the ESC should stop it instantly.  The ESC is located in a convenient place and I have been running them so long that its muscle memory to reach over and smack the crap out of the top right of the keyboard :)

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