Just a whole bunch of basic comments which make a difference in thread cutting and final dimensions:
1.As stated by Chip, try to get the cutter on the centerline of the stock.
2.Use a cutting fluid when cutting threads and idealy it should be constantly applied.
3.When setting the axis for the cut remove the backlash.
4.The more rigid the setup the better.If poor, fix it. Use the tail for additional support.
5.Take a finish cut on the stock, so you know where to set the cutter, it provides for
a more even cut load especialy if the first cut is deep.
6.When you set the cutter account for the tip radius. ( look at how a sharp v depth is defined )
7. Flank cutting can provide for more equal cutting / loading ( attempts to maintain equal area of
chip / shearing of metal ). I usaully use radial ( 29 deg ) for small threading.
8.Use sharp properly ground cutters. Carbide thread inserts are great but use ones with a small
nose radius on the smaller lathes. I have some that just don't have sharp edges and thus require more
power to do cutting.They sit in the box. Don't have any chasing cutters but they certainly add to the quality
of the thread form.
So be maticulous as any of the above can mean the difference between a good or bad thread.
For a 1/2-13 thread you have a "mean" tolerance range for OD of .012" and for pitch diameter .005"
if you want to fall "somewhere" within a 1,2,3A Class fit. Lets forget about uniformity of pitch over the
thread for the point i want to make.So no great shakes on the diameter if the pitch is ok. Lets say you
do a finish cut on the stock and then adjust the cutter placement to get the pitch right ( or adjust accordingly in the
gcode). Lets say you lost a thou based on the above 8 comments, that leaves you .004" range for the pitch.
You have backlash in the X and Z and .005" one or both. The chance of throwing a pitch over the plate for a
strike is...... well...........hope i made my point.
So yes, you should use backlash compensation as a software fix for just one part of the mechanical system ills.
Even though it does work great ( SS dosn't have it yet), you will see an improvement in threading but it's a patch.
Ideally you need to get rid of it or minimize it.
Sorry for being longwinded and didn't even get to your video, but, all of the above are in my thoughts as i watched
PS: Yes i will be posting additional comments but i want a friend to watch the video first.