?- How many steps/inch is it set to.
X is 12700 Z is 20300
Out of curiosity i did a G01 @ F.01 for an .1 travel of the Z a few days ago.
While reading a book, was just like a Swiss watch listening to the stepper pulse, tic , tic , tic,
never missed a beat.
?- Am I right in assuming the entry alwasys seems to look good on the crazy passes, but the
only thing you notice is the thread pitch is off, that it gets longer by a set amount and gets more
out of position the longer the thread?
Yes. As far as i can tell @ 30x mag. Since your almost cutting air, ie; the scribe line is realy fine,
but i would see if it changed by over .001".
?-seems your crazy pitches are advanced to the req. pitch
Yes, even when / if it oscilates, ie; it stays within say a range of .0035", may be multiple scibes
as i had shown in one of the replies.
?- you call for .2 pitch, your not quite double what a .1 pitch does
True, it is not linear along the thread, so if you take the longest length, then the error / " is different
than if you used the 1" mark. A single scribed line provides a definit measuring point. When you
have two of them, then you don't know which to use as one has a different error than the other,
small but different. SO you can play with the mean square root of those readings, but the average
measured between them is what i posted. I would suggest you stay with the single scibed line
numbers and it is ususlay around .0035"/ inch as that has accured so frequently.
?- Can you do .5" at 115RPM? 1Inch pitch?
Hmm... using 115 rpm 0.2P=23 ipm
0.5P=57.5 ipm
0.8=91 ipm
1.0=115 ipm (nope start skipping at 110 or so)
?- We may be too small in pitch to tell though.
Yep, only have a rather narrow range of data from tests.
I guess it would be nice to have data for the following:
------- ---------------
100 .O125
200 .050
400 .1
800 .2
1600 .4
Thats 25 samples, and then should do at least 2 runs, which becomes 50 samples.
I can't thread for that full range .
I believe the lead can be corrected or brought into some range, but again, i would go back to a
standard to quantify just what that error tolerance means.
Good to 0.8 P. I am limited to directly measuring the lead with the tool makers microscope to
2" before i need to move the piece and start from another reference point.
So i introduce some error in lead the measurement when that is done.
As far as the screwy moves:
I want to try something, namely using Chips screen which has a large path display, also fool
around some while threading and monitoring Windows / MACH CPU usage. Basicaly i want to see
if getting more attention to it may have an effect on those crazy moves. Nothing ventured nothing
Comment on your post #589
That would agree with me changing the pitch in the wizard from say .1 to .99****************** or .100*********.
The rpm was fixed but the wizard did in fact create code with that pitch , even though while in the
wizard it will round the number. The resulting thread lead error was reduced but still influenced by
the RPM change of 1.
I'll run the OCT22-1 version.
Need to do a few things, so back in a few hours.