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Author Topic: A new Huanyang VFD plugin  (Read 248707 times)

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #60 on: February 27, 2013, 06:29:32 AM »
Hello mikemaat,

i think about noise..
On my web site, get some comment from an user:

The plugin works perfectly.
Mach3 was blocked sometimes, but was solved with shielded cable to the motor, shielded cable from USB-RS485 to the VFD and an EMI filter on the power input of the VFD.

Hoping it will help you to solve this problem.

Offline rexdc

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #61 on: March 15, 2013, 12:35:48 AM »
Thanks for your info.  After a rather long effort I have managed to get the spindle motor mounted all wired up nice and petty. Install your dll file and connected the computer the Huanyang VFD, and managed to get the VFD programmed.  After a bit of tweaking mach 3 would control the VFD the way I wanted it too.  As i stated in my other posts I am new to the world of mach 3.  Using a mach screen editor I believe MachScreen I make some modification the the spindle window and added a DRO for AMPS and I think I labeled it OEM 1003.  I get nothing to read in the DRO, also spindle speed is not shown in the spped DRO, but when you change the spped of the spindle there will briefly be some numbers come up is the speed DRO  The other mods I made were basiclly to change the size and shape of the DRO in the window to clean up its look.  Is there a good tutorial out there on building and modifing screen.  I know my problem is my own making, but I need some help!

Offline Chaoticone

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #63 on: March 20, 2013, 11:38:03 PM »
I have been testing My CNC wood router system that I put a 3.0 KW chinese spindle and a "matching" huanyang VFD.  My setup is using Mache ver 3.043.022. I'm haviing a problem with random E-stops.  I plan on doing a few more tests to try to determine if the problem is coming VIA RS-485 or from the VFD itself, if the problem is noise induced in the RS-485 link.  I'm using a modified 1024.set screen and not as yet get the AMPS to read in my DRO, that i'm sure is something I am missing in the setup of the DRO or something, but also it does not display spindle speed.  It will show some activity in the spindle speed DRO if you change the speed either up or down. of the VFD while it is running then return to zero when the speed stablizies.  If anyone has some suggestions on what to look for I would be grateful
Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #64 on: March 21, 2013, 12:06:39 AM »
Is your cable from vfd to spindle shielded? That was my problem. Changed to a hardcore braided shield + foil shield+ drain wire cable and the problem went away. My problem was mach freezing completely from noise from that cable entering the rs 485. Yours is probably from vfd noise entering the limits.

Something to try is unplug the rs485 USB cable and run the vfd manually for awhile to see if you still get those noise issues. To run manually, change pd002 and pd003 to setting 0 from 2

Offline rexdc

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #65 on: March 21, 2013, 01:23:43 AM »
Thanks Mikemaat  I was thinking that might be my problem. the cable from the spindle to the motor is not sheilded.  I am going to do the check you suggested.  Couple of questions.  How long is your RS-485 cable and is it also sheilded,  if so did you connect the sheild to both the computer and the VFD?  Did you use any ferrite cores on the RS-485 cable or the spindle power cable.  How long is your VFD to spindle cable?  do you know the mfg. and number of the cable you used for your spindle power.  It sound like the same problem I'm having, I get E-stops and mach3 will freeze at random.  I REALLY apprecate your help and input.

Offline rexdc

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #66 on: March 21, 2013, 01:26:52 AM »
I might add the I am using ver 1.4 plugin I see that there is an new release ver 1.5.1
Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #67 on: March 21, 2013, 02:13:16 AM »
RS-485 is about 3 feet long. It's actually longer but I've got the last bit of it tied up. It is shielded, but I only grounded one end. The VFF cable is about 15 feet long. It is Belden 29501 VFD cable. I bought it by the foot on eBay. The cable is really hardcore, but super stiff. I put a ferrite on the RS-485 cable but it didn't seem to help.

The VFD cable made a night and day difference. Everything else seed to have no discernible benefit.

Offline rexdc

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Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #68 on: March 21, 2013, 02:17:25 AM »
Did Ver 1.5.1 improve your operation over ver 1.4? 
Re: A new Huanyang VFD plugin
« Reply #69 on: March 21, 2013, 02:46:25 AM »
I think I only had it running on 1.5 AFAIK. I would bet 99% that its your unshielded wire. The VFD puts off a nasty amount of noise. I would start there (and you'll probably end there too). The cable isn't cheap, but it's worth it - having your machine screw up parts isn't cheap either.