I REALLY REALLLY love the plugin, but here are the issues im currently having:
First, I cant figure out if this is from the plugin or not, but often when i start the spindle (either in gcode or by clicking the button), it will dwell as if its spinning up but doing nothing, then eventually E-Stop because it sees no RPM (on the old plugin version). However, if i hit the e-stop and start the spindle a second time, it starts without fail.......every time.
Next, If I have a program such as:
S6000 M03
G1 X0
G1 X5
It will cut RPM's to 0 and e-stop at S4000 - rather than lower the spindle speed like it should.
Now, onto the new plugin. First of all, nice job on the fix for the 60hz RPM issue. MUCH nicer than having to do math to get it to a 50hz equivalent. Back to my problem...
In the NEW plugin:
Same issue with starting the spindle, sometimes it doesn't start on the first try. However, now with the rpm check e-stop removed it just continues on with the gcode...WITH THE SPINDLE NOT SPINNING!! Also, if I run the same program as above, when it hits the second spindle rate (S4000) it cuts RPM's to 0 as before, but doesnt e-stop now, it just continues trying to run without the spindle even moving. As you can imagine, if i didn't catch this, id have a few nasty crashes. Ive had to revert back to the older version plugin (1.5) because at least the e-stop's catch it when the spindle doesn't fire back up. I don't understand why speed changes kill the spindle and sometimes first starts don't happen...
If you can figure this out, Ive got a 20$ paypal for you to buy some beer.