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Messages - BobsShop

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G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: Problems loading cad files to L-cam
« on: November 12, 2009, 11:00:29 AM »
Attach a copy or two (different formats) of your DXF file so I can look at it.


G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: Problems loading cad files to L-cam
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:32:03 PM »
I use AutoCad2008 regularly and have saved DXF files in about every format it offers.  All have loaded into LazyCam without problem.

Some people reporting problems with AutoCad DXFs save their files in a DXF format and then try to load the program into LazyCam without closing the AutoCad DXF file.  LazyCam will not open an AutoCad DXF that is still open in AutoCad.

To verify this is true, I just saved a drawing I have been working on in the following DXF versions:

All opened in LazyCam version 3.00.2 without any hiccups.

Bob @ BobsShop

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: Need help with an offset
« on: November 04, 2009, 08:27:35 PM »
Don't know about AutoCad versions before 2008.  That was the first time I ever used it.  The CADX11 program is a free cad program that I use for some things that AutoCad won't let me do - one of them is importing DXFs of engraving fonts.    The free program has no time limit, but it does have a file size limitation.  As I recall the free version would have handled the file you posted without any trouble.  I did eventually purchase a full version, but by the time I got around to it, I was dealing with some pretty large and entity intense programs.

CADX can be found at www.graytechsoftware.com/

Oh, I failed to mention, but I am sure you noticed, I did not delete the original drawing after doing the offsets.

Good luck with your projects.

Bob@BobsShop  is not associated with any software or hardware companies.   For what it is worth, I am not associated with anyone!

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: Need help with an offset
« on: November 04, 2009, 06:40:12 PM »
Have attached two different files - both offset .0625 (1/2 of .125 end mill) to the outside.  Did not change the 0,0 orientation.

One of the files was written in CADX11, the other in AutoCad 2008.  Not sure which format will work for you.

Offsetting to the outside was not a problem with either program. CADX would let me select your dxf as one continuous chain and offset it that way.  AutoCad required selecting the different segments and offsetting individually.  In addition, I also pulled the file into LCAM and also was able to offset with no problem.  I may not have understood what you were trying to accomplish.

Hope one of the two will work for you.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Toolpath view incorrect
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:57:43 AM »
Just curious.  Are you cutting a cylinder?  Calling the "A" axis indicates a 360 turn around one.  No idea why the different rotations would give different pics.   When I post your code to my 4th axis configuration I get a "slice," view of a cylinder being cut to three different depths.  There is no "x" or "y" movement so the cuts are all at "X" 0 and "Y" 0.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Plasma cut quality problem
« on: September 25, 2009, 09:29:36 AM »
AJ - Don't work with plasma so I could be off base here.  I opened your dxf file in AutoCad and noticed the center of your arcs in your fleur-de-lis  (caught my attention because it is the symbol for my city) corresponded apparently exactly with the marks on your symbol.

I walked through your code and saw pauses within the arcs at their centers.  Looked at your code and saw several lines in those areas that called for an a very slight straight line movement  (G1) within the arc that should not have been there.  I have edited most (maybe all) those lines out of the attached code.

My first thought is your cad software is adding a line at the center of the arcs 

No guarantees that my observations or suggestions works.


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Need help
« on: September 16, 2009, 09:15:19 PM »
It doesn't appear that you want to use the pocket wizard for this project.  If the channels are the width of the cutting tool (and it appears that is the case) what you are wanting is a series of straight slots.  If the squares at each end of the slots could be circles then it would be a simple matter to use a slightly larger end mill for those items.  Pockets there could be doable, but you are still going to end up with radiused corners since you would be cutting the inside.

The dimensions may be off on the attached tap file, and My tool table is numbered differently than yours.  In my program the drilled holes serve as the circles at the end of the slots.  They are programmed with a .375 end mill.  The slots were cut using a .25 end mill.   Depth was programmed in one pass, ti could be done in smaller increments if you wanted.


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Need help
« on: September 16, 2009, 02:37:58 PM »
It is a weird looking program.  Attaching a copy of the pocketing tap that was completed with the Wizard.  Which wizard program did you use?  There are two versions of the A Suite of Handy Wizards - Ver. 2.79 and Ver 2.83 - I used Ver 2.83.

Did you create your rectangle from a dxf file or simply code it in the wizard. If created from a dxf file that could be the cause, but hard to say that is what happend.  The only other way to determine what you may have done is to see what you input into the wizard.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Run away jogging
« on: September 15, 2009, 08:24:40 AM »
Forgot to mention that this "fix," will really make typing in other programs a real pain.  My solution is to have the shop computer set  up for only Mach 3 use.  All programming, word processing, spread sheets, etc. is handled by the office computer. 


General Mach Discussion / Re: Run away jogging
« on: September 14, 2009, 06:10:36 PM »
Found a fix for this problem.  Following is from the MicroSoft website:

In detail, open the Control Panel,
if you're using Windows XP, double click the 'Accessibility Options' item.
In the Accessibility Options window, switch to the 'Keyboard' tab and
select the checkbox before the 'Use FilterKeys' option;

if you're using Windows Vista, double click the 'Ease of Access Center'
item and then click the 'Make the keyboard easier to use' link. In the
window opened, select the checkbox before the 'Turn on Filter Keys' option.

You will also need to select Filter options, click on settings, and select No Keyboard Repeat.


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