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Messages - BobsShop

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LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Idea for Lcam
« on: November 26, 2007, 09:43:50 PM »
Second the request for a grid background (re-sizable) in LCam - actually, it is a request I had some time ago.  In addition - still would like to have (read need) the ability to mirror images (while maintaining the original x-y orientation).

Bob @ BobsShop

Not sure if this will help you to determine if this is what you are looking for or not, but I made this copy of a Harley logo with DeskEngrave and Cadx11 (another freeware program).  Takes a while to figure out and learn how to use them together, but I am pleased with the results.

Bob @ BobsShop

Alex - you can locate the DeskEngrave software @ http://www.deskam.com/download.html - It is a little hard to find the download on their homepage.

Bob @ BobsShop -

Alex - go to www.DesKAM.com and look at their freeware DeskEngrave program.  It produces text files in DXF that LazyCam recognizes.  Some limitations - such as skewing the letters and no single line fonts (which I would really like to have), but all in all a very decent program.  Totally free, no time limits, etc.

Bob @ BobsShop - not associated with DeskAm - Hell, no one will associate with me!

This is looking very cool.  Definitely interested - Just don't know how much I would be willing to pay at this point.  Will watch for future developments and improvements.

Bob @ BobsShop

General Mach Discussion / Re: Question for Brian re new Video Window
« on: October 14, 2007, 09:54:09 PM »
>Have you tried the feature whereby once scale has been set you can place mouse pointer on a
>position on the job and shift/left click and it will jog so that position is centered under the cross hairs.

Had not tried that before.  Tried it after reading your post and my Taig mill did not center at a new location.  The table moved to the end of its travel limit and stopped.  Moved to x-positive no matter which side of the cross hairs I moved the mouse indicator to.  May be doing something wrong.  Will try again later.

Bob @ BobsShop - Studying and scratching his head.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Question for Brian re new Video Window
« on: October 13, 2007, 10:16:52 PM »
Regarding the bassakwards video window.  I have two different webcams (a Logitech on the office computer, and one of the little cams Zars was selling) connected to the shop compouter)  Both of the cams have a provision for mirroring whatever image is in the cam.  Pretty simple to do in a cam set up screen.  Not in the shop right now so I don't have the setup for that cam handy, but the Logitech contols are located under the Cam Setttings - More Options - choices.  Those options solved the problem for me.

But, Brian, while we are on the subject of mirroring (sort of) - I would like to have a mirroring option for the Text function in LZCam.  Presently, I have to program the code for whatever piece I am making in LZcam and save it.  Then I have to go into the wizard and use the Text function there.  That works, but there are more font options in LZcam - and not having to play with the code generated by the text wizard would save a lot of time.


Bob@BobsShop -

LazyCam (Beta) / Re: LCAm enhancement needed
« on: September 16, 2007, 08:53:40 PM »

Thanks for considering the grid.  It would be helpful (at least, I think it would be!).  Trying to hold a ruler up to the screen to approximate measurements is a real pain! :)

The XML thing is not a big deal.  I do save all my xmls to a special file and then just copy them over after re-loading the latest Mach file.  But sometime I forget to recopy to the file when I have made changes on the fly and then have to try to reinvent the last iteration when I reload Mach. 

Mirroring text - Yes, being able to mirror the text would be a big help.  Trying to get the text oriented to some of my creations has been a really trying exercise.  Could be that it is just my problem, but I have wresteled with it ad-nausium.

Bob @ BobsShop - If it weren't for LCAM and Mach3, I wouldn't have any useful  ::) hobbies!

General Mach Discussion / Watch the shop-vac gremlin
« on: September 07, 2007, 12:00:23 AM »
This was really weird.  Cutting a small piece with lot of compound curves,etc.  Making multiple .100 (inches) deep cuts to keep from hogging the small Taig mill.  First couple of passes were perfect.  Then, suddenly, the end mill turns at a right angle to the programmed path.  The dros were indicating the table had moved a lot further than it actually had. Checked the code and counldn't find any obvious errors.  Re-ran the program.  Was doing fine then - bang - mill suddenly (at a different point in the code) reversed itself and started cutting a bad angle -  Same routine, re-run, its okay for a while then #%*$@@!  Piece was trashed -

When make a new part I generally test new pieces by running in wood rather than aluminum - cheaper.  Noticed that everytime the milll went haywire, I was using a small shop vac to clean away the sawdust so I could see what the machine was doing.  It appears the motor on the shop vac was producing a signal what was picked up by the mill.  It coulld be that the drive motors themselves have a short (but this had not happened before), or the vac has a short.  It was plugged into the same circuit the computer and mill were on.  The vac was at least 30 inches away from the closest point of the mill.   

Finished running the part (without turning on the vac) and no more errant lines.  I will have to run more tests to see if, in fact, the vac was causing the problem' Or, see if there is another cause.

Bob @ BobsShop.  - Scratchng his head and watching the mill.

LazyCam (Beta) / LCAm enhancement needed
« on: September 05, 2007, 09:00:30 AM »
Brian:  Very pleased with the enhancements you and others have made to LC and Mach.  Some enhancements I would llike to see are:

Ability to swap(end to end, not 180 rotate) drawings in LC. Problem is:  After adding text (a really nice enhancement, btw) I have to rotate the drawing 180 (easy with the rotate feature) and swap end-to-end (difficult) in order to get the text cut properly (otherwise the letters are backward when cut).  I can swap the drawing using the mouse, but it is not smooth and sometimes it is difficult to position the drawing squarely again.  A swap feature would be a big improvement.   Strange as it may seem, I can swap with the mouse on my office computer, but can't do this on the shop computer (not a portable).  Can't figure this one out at all.   This drawback makes the swap feature almost a necessity.

Additionally, having a 1 x 1 (or smaller) scaled grid that could be toggled on an off on the LC screen would be nice - can live without it, but while your are coding anyway . :-}

One other nit - when updating to the latest and greatest, all my configurations are changed and I have to remember to go back and change things or I get reallly screwed up.   Is it possible to have upgrades without including changes to the configuration.  I have a separate folder for custom xml files and can copy them over, but sometimes forget to do so. 

Thanks again for all your efforts.  I am often surprised by what I can design and build with this software!!!

Bob @ BobsShop.

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