Things got off to a slow start this morning because they would not let Ron and Brian unload until today. By 10:00 things picked up. I learned something today that made the entire trip worth it. I found there was a peck drill pull back setting in mach. Mine was set for .1". I always wondered why my mill would pull up so far when peck drilling.
The temperature in San Jose, CA yesterday was 75 degrees. Today in York it was 12 degrees F on the drive to the show and 16 degrees on the drive home. The wind was blowing about 10 mph so I would imagine it was close to single digits with the wind chill factor. Not very warm for a Californian (no wonder my parents moved from PA when I was a child).
When I get home I will write up more of what I got from the seminar. As a CNC guy who uses servos, I felt like the red headed stepchild with all the stepper guys around.
I attached a picture of the seminar with Brian in the front and Ron off to the side making a point.