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Messages - dresda

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Arrow 500 retrofit
« on: December 20, 2011, 07:26:14 PM »
These guys retrofit The arrow with a PC based control. http://manufacturingnewsweb.com/archives/controls/dec06/maintenance_tech.htm
Does your machine have the CT control from the UK or the control now owned by Vickers?

Thanks Dave. For now I will leave it, not a problem for me using it, and you are right and that's what I like about it.

Well said Sargon and the sky is the limit with this control , not like Fanuc that costs an arm and a leg to change the ladder.  Now All I need to do is to delete the button that says "last Wizard" and everybody will be happy, why have last wizard anyway? Try to think that somebody else is running the machine and not you, and what would they do....
Without the last wizard button the operator would not want to go into the wizard screen while the machine was running because he would not want to create a wizard while running a wizard right, but might want to to look at the last wizard because he knows that's the one he is using, and why not look at the parameters he had set for that wizard, just like looking at your tool length offset or work offset while that tool is being run. Sorry if I keep going on but if there is a button to push, it will be pushed.

Guys, get off my case here. I was asked to evaluate Mach3 and yes I don't know anything about Mach3 or bloody computers for that matter. I was told it's a great software and it's used in the industry. I put it on one of my machines and thought it was great, but the first problem was when you press feed hold it took it's sweet time to stop, well that was a major hazard, I convinced rufi from Vital systems to change the decel time from 750ms to 100ms and now it stops on a dime. You keep beating on me and all I was asking was is this the norm or is there a problem between Mach and Vital motion. I don't have a problem with this on my machine as long as I am the only one running it.

Rich, I don't want to keep slogging on with this and I do appreciate all the work you guys put into this, but you must understand one thing, I have made my living for the past 35years plus servicing and rebuilding CNC machines so I a few things have rubbed off on me..Example: One of my good customers who machines parts for the Mars lunar rover using Ultra sonic 5 axis machining centers asked me if I would look into putting together a small mill for his tool room, and asked me about mach3.
After going through the motions, I told him Mach3 is a great software but there are a few weird things going on like if you set the parameters in the wizard and run it, for christ sake don't go back into the wizard to check those parameters because the machine will do a hop skip and jump, he looked at me as if I was from Mars..

So if you are running a machine with a wizard and you are not sure about the parameters that you have set like the step down etc, you MUST not go and look, which buy the way would be a natural thing for any operator to do, but you can look at your offset screen, Diagnostics etc. I was only asking if somebody could try it because I am using Vital DSPMC and have had quite a few weird things happen, I have an MPG that has a mind of it's own but works fine when just through Mach.

Tell me this post is not dead...

General Mach Discussion / Trying the 3d probing/digitizing function
« on: December 06, 2011, 01:36:52 AM »
I activated the 3d plugin and when I set up the parameters a box pops up and says test the probe and when I do the tick goes in the box so the probe is working.
I cycle start, the xy moves then the z, I touch the probe and then I get a box saying "previous sequence not yet met" can't get rid of it' can't stop the program or reset, have to kill the machine, any ideas.

So can somebody try a small wizard pocket cycle and just click to the last wizard while running and see if it jumps, I want to know if its my motion board,

General Mach Discussion / Re: Normal condition ? and a few other questions
« on: December 06, 2011, 12:08:00 AM »
I send the machine home and I can zero the rel/inc screen  but the work co, screen shows the .0007" and .001" which is fine because then I look into the offset screen and see g54 .0007" .001"  make them zero and it puts that value in the rel/incr screen, make that zero and it puts in back into the g54s and the and work co, screen still shows .0007" and .001"
I give up with that one.

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