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Messages - Steve Stallings

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See the list of requirements at the bottom of this page:


As always, more is usually better, but these are the minimum recommended.

Steve Stallings

.... without any plug-in for Mach4?????

The ESS comes with its own plugin, as does the PMDX-411. A plug-in is the
software driver needed to run the ESS or PMDX-411 under Mach4.

The manual for the PMDX-126 is here:


Connection configurations are done in the software. See the manuals for Mach4
and for the ESS.

The PMDX-411 is used to convert the USB connection from the computer running Mach4
into a parallel port interface that the PMDX-126 understands. This is the same way that
the ESS works with the PMDX-126 except that the PMDX-411 is USB and the ESS is

If you want to use the ESS, then the PMDX-411 is not used.

If you plan to use Mach4, you can use the PMDX-411 to control the PMDX-126.
The PMDX-411 is a USB device and is very simple to use.

You can also get a bundle discount worth $10 by purchasing the Mach4 software
along with the PMDX-411.

The PMDX-126 can also be used with the ESS and Mach4 if desired.

Steve Stallings

After seeing Gerry's post, I decided to have a look around despite the fact that I have done no real script programming.  8-)

It appears that there are four special purpose scripts that get embedded in the screen set file.

The screen load script runs once when the screen is loaded. This is useful for initializing things.

The screen unload script runs once when the screen is unloaded. This is useful for saving data for future use.

The PLC script is a constantly running periodic script that can function like a classic PLC except that it runs Lua code.

The Signal script is a way to handle system responses to signals on an event driven basis.

Each of these scripts can be edited within the Operator > Edit Screen function by pointing the tree manager at the
top element (the name of the screenset). The list of these four scripts will appear in the properties box below when
you click on the action mode (the lightning bolt button).

Then select one of the scripts and click on the three dots that appears when you select the script. This will open
an instance of the Lua script editor. You can then edit in that editor and finish by doing a Save which re-embeds
the script into the screen set. Careful that you know which screen set it will alter, and that you have a backup of
the screen set.

Alternatively you can invoke the editor as before, but do a SaveAs to put the script file where you like for
editing purposes. You can later do a FileOpen to retrieve it followed by a plain Save to re-embed it into your
screen set.

I have tried this and it seems to work, but others probably know more about the process.

Scripts are associated with individual profiles and, assuming a default install,
are stored in>>   


You may have to create the Macros folder if it does not exist.

There is a Mach4Hobby configuration manual, but I have not yet seen a
customization manual. The manuals can be found in here:


or here:


and stored locally on your machine here>>


When looking for something, I encourage you to look in all three places
because they do not have identical contents.

Also, there is a a "child board" called Mach4Toolbox that contains many posts
about scripts and other customization discussions.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 and Windows 10
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:18:13 PM »
It seems that I read somewhere that the Pro version of Windows 10 allows you to disable automatic updates.

Backlash compensation must be implemented in the hardware device and its plugin.

The SmartBOB family does not yet support backlash compensation.

Yes, it is on our list of things to do. We are currently looking for the best way to
do this. There is no magic bullet because the compensation cannot be done in
zero time. This means that some compromise must be made. It may seem that
Mach3 or other systems have already solved this problem, but behind the scenes
there were compromises being made. Our task is to work out the least worst
way to do it.

The only good solution to backlash is to improve the mechanical system to get
rid of it.

Steve Stallings

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach 4 DRM
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:24:25 AM »
When you change computers and have a new PCID, you will need a new license key.

The process is to install Mach4 on the new computer and use Help > About to read your new PCID. Then use the MachSupport.com web site to generate a new license key and have it emailed to you automatically, or contact your reseller to obtain a new license key. You may have up to 5 license keys at once, so hobby users with multiple machines typically do not need to purchase multiple licenses.

You can have Mach3 and Mach4 installed on the same computer at the same time if you are using an external pulse engine. Installing Mach3 and the Darwin software pulse generator for Mach4 at the same time is not recommended.

Steve Stallings

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach 4 Bug Reports
« on: July 24, 2015, 07:17:01 PM »
Build 2568 introduced a bug in the core that causes random crashes.

Build 2580 has just been posted and is supposed to include a fix.


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