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Messages - Bloy

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Okay! I found something.....providing the pulse engines/drivers are the same.

Install the two versions in "C" naming each Mach3 folder differently such as Mach3.042.040 and Mach3.043.066.  Don't use original desktop shortcuts.
Make new shortcuts from .exe startup file within each folder named appropriately.

I don't have feedback on this, but I think this is how to do it.   Am I missing something?  Are the drivers/pulse engines install different?

I know this has been covered throughout mach's history as I remember reading about it, but I've searched for some time to find info on it.

What is the best solution to run two versions of Mach3(one at a time) while easily switching between the two?
  I want to test a version while being able to go to my "proven' version(3.042.040),  alternately closing that version and open the latest version or some such also containing .040's XMLs and profiles and maybe some other custom files, plugins.

The two Mach3 folders in C can be renamed, but I'm at a loss if there is a way not to have to rename them each time to use one or the other.
And then there is the possible driver version conflicts.....

Thanks for any info...


Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 2010 Screenset - Now available
« on: March 22, 2013, 09:20:13 AM »
Hi Gerry,
 After getting up this morning I realized how idiotic my posts were from yesterday.  They were all based on the old acronym RTFM. ::)
Honestly, I wonder if I am losing it faster than I am gaining.   It could be a touch of senility sneaking in complicated with the influx of radon gas saturating the atmosphere here in my basement.  

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 2010 Screenset - Now available
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:53:17 AM »
ah..... now I remember Art explaining the number combinations.   I might, probably, have a file somewhere with his notes.  I've got a lot of catching up to do.....

Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 2010 Screenset - Now available
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:33:12 AM »
I'm STILL reading it.... ;)
I can't find the code notes on the refcombination( 19 ) yet.  What would that look like?
Or where would I look to view it.?
I'd also like to insert them(the code notes) like you have for your DoButtons.


Finished Screens / Re: Mach3 2010 Screenset - Now available
« on: March 21, 2013, 11:23:21 AM »
Hello Gerry,
 I've been configuring your screen and noticed the RefAll sequence (M884.m1s) was different than the one I used.
This is your original:
DoButton( 24 )
'Code "G53 G0 Z-1"
'While IsMoving()
DoButton( 23 )
'Code "G53 G0 Y1"
'While IsMoving()
'Code "G53 G0 X1"
'While IsMoving()

This is the one I inserted(replaced):

DoButton( 24 )
'Code "G53 G0 Z-1"
'While IsMoving()
refcombination( 19 )
Art had included this, I just used it.
Basically, all it does is Ref both X and Y axes simultaneously after first referencing Z.
It works as intended, but was just wondering if it will create problems anywhere else in your screen functions.


PoKeys / Re: Pokeys 65U and the Yaskawa Control panel/pendant
« on: March 19, 2013, 11:33:28 AM »
Thanks Scott,

I'll inquire about that.   Right now I'm just setting up Mach3 with a compact Dell optiplex vista machine my wife brought home from work....they upgrade now and then.  Also I'm delayed due to the annual spring thaw....which (on a positive note) cleans the basement floor.  ;)

Heh! How far can I get from this thread's subject?  Well,  I just got done chiseling deeper the sump well to get a lower removal and help keep the water table below the basement floor.

Soon I will focus on this project.


PoKeys / Pokeys 65U and the Yaskawa Control panel/pendant
« on: March 12, 2013, 09:26:29 AM »
This thread is dedicated to interfacing and configuring CNC4PC's Pokeys 65U coreboard with the Yaskawa pendant and Mach3.

I have one of these Yaskawa panels and recently purchased the CNC4PC coreboard and will be learning how to most fully utilize the pendant's controls with the pokeys 65U.

The products can be seen here:

Mi Hood,

You're absolutely brilliant ;D
Reconstructing the XML file worked a treat!!!
I'll continue building up the profile, testing after each entry to insure I don't reintroduce the bug.

You deserve your LEGEND status!

Thanks again :)

Yup! I've been watching, listening to, and appreciating Hood for years now.   A living legend!

General Mach Discussion / Re: Steppers making noise but shafts not rotating
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:57:49 AM »
They Work! They Work!

I'll post pictures when it is all up and running. ;D

Where are those pictures? 

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