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Messages - Mauri

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Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Module Works Simulator
« on: May 30, 2017, 08:05:24 PM »
If the name is not correct you end up with the green background and not the picture you see above.
In your case you need to install the license in Mach4 it starts with 3D-cutting-simulator-mach4-hobbly-plugin etc.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Module Works Simulator
« on: May 30, 2017, 06:43:37 PM »
Yes you can, however, I just use a Profile dedicated for Simulation called "ModuleWorks" and keep it separate from anything to do with production.
The Simulation "Tab" will only appear in the mwPanel.set Screen, unless you make your own screen version.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Module Works Simulator
« on: May 30, 2017, 04:19:25 PM »
You most like have a different screen set name.
You can add the Tab "Simulation" on your Screen version and then rename it.
The name must be mwPanel.set

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Module Works Simulator
« on: May 29, 2017, 08:24:53 PM »
Last Picture.

Mach4 General Discussion / Module Works Simulator
« on: May 29, 2017, 08:24:01 PM »
How to make it work:
1)   Populate your End Mills/Ball Nose Mills into the Mach4 Tool Table under “View” in Mach4.
2)   You must make your G-Code M06 T01 correspond to Tool#1 etc.
3)   You must populate Diameter/Corner Radius/Flute/Length/Shoulder Length and if you want Holder Length/Holder Diameter.
        a.   Tools can only be End Mills and Ball Nose Mills.
        b.   Corner Radius on a Ball End Mills is half the diameter.
4)   To get colors you must Populate Tool Color R/ Tool Color G/ Tool Color B (e.g. ) 150/100/0
5)   Other settings are under “Configure” “Plugins” Simulator ModuleWorks. Used to setup Stock Material and Cutter Height.
6)   Also under “Diagnostic” Simulator ModuleWorks. Used to save STL after simulation has started to finish.
7)   Must set up CV as it simulates the actual machine cut.
8)   Precision in the “Edit Tool Table Field” 4=4 decimal places (see picture)

Positives to this program.
1)   Relatively low cost.
2)   Produce nice out put down to 3mm Ball nose.
3)   Can save and import STL files.
4)   May suit a lot of users who do simple CNC milling.
Things that need to be done.
1)   Supply an operating Manual for users.
2)   Make the Parameters in the “Simulation Configuration” maintain values entered.
3)   Provide an accurate way of setting up the Z Tool Height.
4)   Provide a sample G-Code that is exactly the same as the Picture provided on what the program can do on the Mach4 website.
5)   Provide all the “Simulation Fields” available.
        a.   There must be more otherwise it would be impossible to replicate the Picture on the website.
6)   Improve resolution for smaller cutters especially ball nose.
7)   Provide “Simulation Fields” for Tapered cutter D-Bits and Tapered Ball Nose if they exist.

Like to have
a.   4 Axis simulations.
b.   If tapered ball nose and D-bit “Simulation Fields” do not exist then would like to see them.

Negatives to this program.
1)   Poor resolution with cutters smaller than 3mm Ball nose.
2)   Program uses line flats like STL triangle to make its shape and not Curves.
        a.   This is particularly noticeable with small cutters (see pictures).
        b.   This could be addressed if there is some resolution setting in the Module or maybe this Module is a cut down version of ModuleWorks Full Simulator.
        c.   12 Year old simulators are far superior down to (e.g) 30D 0.1mm Dia 0.05mm Radius are near perfect in this old simulator but not in ModuleWorks Module. (see pictures).
3)   Because of the resolution this program is not suitable for Engraving/Fine Carving/Jewelry.

In summary as this is only a Beta release hopefully a number of items I have highlighted will be addressed, otherwise a good start.

Chaoticone ,
To produce the sample ModuleWorks ScreenShot1 would require a lot more Tool Table Editor "Simulation Fields" than what is provided, so without knowing ALL the possible KEY names available then it would be impossible for any of to produce anything like you sample.
Apart from the Key Names we would also need to know the Editor Type and Editor Parameters.
We would also need to know what they mean, like Precision 4 and Width -1 for example.
In the example the Tool holder for example shows two parts and multiple angles, radius and colors.
The same as the Tool.
The Tool Color on what we can produce is the same colour as the cut, but not on your sample.
So if this sample was produced using this product then your Tool Table has significantly more option than provided to us.
So if we can get a manual with all this information maybe we can produce the same.
I also noticed that the outcome when using a .01mm radius cutter is no were near as good as the machined output even though I cannot at this stage make an angled ball nose cutter.
This may be due to the Precision Number.
So to make this inviting for users to purchase we should get the G-Code and the Tool Setting to produce exactly what you say has been done as shown in this picture, plus all the other settings available to us.
So Stuart and others can purchase a copy, please see what can be done with this request.

HiCON Motion Controller / Re: "unable to ARM drive (code=355)"
« on: May 24, 2017, 09:28:16 PM »
Are you using your own version of a Screen or the one provided?
If it is your own Screen, do have Script controls?
If yes, have you checked that machine.ini has Inputs and Outputs to HiCON?

HiCON Motion Controller / Re: Axis won't move
« on: May 24, 2017, 06:44:41 PM »
It is most likely some settings need changing.
Not sure what equipment you have or if your have this value in the setting.
Try a Polling Frequency of 100Hz in the HiCON config.

HiCON Motion Controller / Mach4 V3390 now officially released
« on: May 24, 2017, 04:16:30 PM »
Not sure if the New Production version of V3390 differs from the test version, I will test it after we complete our mill work.

I purchased the license and had issues getting it to do anything.
There is no documentation.
No sample as shown in Screen Movie or Screen shot.
I have had no response from support.
After a few hours I found that you had to populate the Tool Table.
You have to figure out that you need to also put values in the Colors to make the Tool and Cut other than black.
On you website you have a display cut with multiple colors, how is this done?
Where does the Simulation Tab get the sizes and Tool location X/Y and Z height from?
Actual Cylinder size should be 51 Radius 10 High, but it starts off at 100 Radius and 50 High.
X/Y/Z is all ZERO Top and Center of Cylinder, but the Tool shows through the other side.
Have to make an approximate guess of the value of Z = -44.7, in the G-Code it starts off Z20 and then goes down to Z0 and after several cuts down to Z-3.25.
So how do you get the correct height of the Material guess?
Is there a way to configure a Tapered Ballnose or D-Bit cutters in the Tool Table, if not will this ever be introduced into this module?
Will this Module ever support 4 Axis simulation?
Will the final release have these features.
Other than these issue it does do a nice job.

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