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Messages - dresda

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Problems with pop out jog/mpg
« on: February 04, 2013, 09:56:32 PM »
Deleted my mach3 and re loaded, tested and the functions worked then loaded my XML and DSPMC then they don't work, can't just load XML file and test because I get an error when trying to enable the system.

dspMC/IP Motion Controller / MPG and DSPMC hook up problem
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:47:33 PM »
When turning the MPG I have off and on signals comming in input 0 & 1 on J5 looking at Vital status screen.
DSPMC plugin set soft encoder, index 2.
Ports and pins, tick MPG#1 leave the rest blank.
No movement, Help.

General Mach Discussion / Problems with pop out jog/mpg
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:40:20 PM »
Jog cycle/ step doesn't increment, if you type in the inc, it will work.
Jog mode no led's but the button works.
MPG led's x & z not working.
They did work before, tried reloading mach 055,066,067
Other functions work.
Did I turn something off by mistake.

General Mach Discussion / Re: AAAAAAHHHH I'm not going mad after all
« on: February 01, 2013, 10:16:54 PM »
But when I'm running in G95 at .015"/rev why when I increase does it jump in 5"s 5.015. 10.015...
As for the pull out, it sucks, there is a long delay, that's fine if you have an undercut at the end of your thread.
Regarding the feed sync, I guess I could put a G04 for a while before starting the threading cycle but Andy at Machmotion said he has a macro to take care of it so I'll wait until next week. I really wanted my MPG to work, it's a nice looking unit with at least 16 function buttons, I bought it so I wouldn't have to mount push buttons, the buttons do work its just the handwheel.
MPG in velocity mode is just one feed rate, doesn't matter how fast you turn the wheel and it's very eratic, outer wheel is spring loaded so you can turn it about 90 deg, and it should start at a slow feed rate gradually going up to max feed rate as you turn the dial, I get 1.5"/min that's it.

General Mach Discussion / Re: AAAAAAHHHH I'm not going mad after all
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:43:10 PM »
He didn't go into too much detail and I was just glad it wasn't me, something like inch/rev DRO slightly off at the beginning of  threading due to the VFD not up to speed before feed starts, if my pitch was .050" the DRO would read .044 for 1.5" then .050" for the last .5" if I had a 2" Z move. The LCD MPG from Andre in Russia will work on Mach3 but not with the motion controller, push buttons work but the handwheel and the outer ring that operates from slow jog up to rapid doesn't work. I have have a few people look at the source code and have been trying many different configurations but no go.
The feed rate up/down problem could be a simple problem that one of you guys help me with, here goes: When start mach3  up the feed rate DRO defaults to 6."/min or in G95 it defaults to .6"/rev ( that's a lot)  then when you start any program with lets say a feed of .015"/rev the DRO shows .015" great, if you increase the feed rate by one increment the feed shows 5.015"/rev the up in 5's for each inc, if you go down it will pass the .015" that you started with and bottom out at .6"/rev but I don't think for one minute that it running at those feeds but very very fast.
Don't think much can be done about changingthe feed rate while in threading, I know tha't a no no, not a big deal for me but I can't put the product out in the field, strange thing is when you increment the feed in threading it doesn't change until the next threading cycle then I get crazy feeds.

General Mach Discussion / AAAAAAHHHH I'm not going mad after all
« on: February 01, 2013, 12:16:12 AM »
So it looks like there are a few issues with G95, Threading, Shuttle RU MPG etc and mach3 and DSPMC combo. Andy from Machmotion was kind enough to call me today and explane a few things, I'm just happy I wasn't loosing my mind after hours and hours. He is going to help me next week to work around the problems, can't help me with the LCD Shuttle RU from Russia, they just don't work with the motion control (i have 2 of them)

General Mach Discussion / Re: lathe threading pitch error
« on: January 30, 2013, 09:25:43 PM »
Fast89 said he modified his mill screen for lathe, would like to see it.

General Mach Discussion / Re: lathe threading pitch error
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:03:36 PM »
I just want a copy of his modified screen for the Lathe, don't like any of the lathe screens, most machine tool controls have the same screen for mill and lathe.

Works on the 066 version. Is it me or what... can't seem to get any consistency, wish I had a machine just running Mach3 then would know for sure.

OK, installed 057 version all looks good except for my pop out jog screen the jog cycle step and mode led's don't come on, can't select step amounts but can type them in, jog and step work but no led.
I will try and install it again

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