The attached photo shows a Homann Designs MB-02 BoB. The little red squares are my addition: each one is a Red LED, and they show the states of the input and output pins. This lets me see at a glance whether an input pin is actually working or not, and it lets me also see at a glance whether thoe output pins are working.
The LEDs acrosa the bottom of the pic are the motor pins, Step and Dir, for X, Y, Z, A. Consider trying the following:
g0 x0 y0 z0
f0.1 (Yes, this is a ridiculously slow speed, but bear with me.)
g1 x5 (assuming metric)
You should see one of the red LEDs blinking slightly. Those are the step pulses (albeit very narrow). One of the adjacent LEDs will be the Dir signal.
Now try
g1 x0
More blinking on the Step LED, but the Dir LED next to it should change state.
If you cannot see the Step signals, go to Ports&Pins and change the motor Step pins from Active HI to Active LO (or vice versa). This chould change the state of the LEDs while the system is not doing anything.
You do not have these LEDs on your Bob, but you could hook up some external LEDs to the screw terminals. Put a 220 ohm resistor in series with each LED. And you will have to figure out which way around the LEDs should go as well. They only conduct in one direction, but you can test for that between Gnd and +5V. A rather good idea would be to remove the +24V from the BoB completely while you do this.
All this will let you see whether the BoB output pins are doing anything.