Hi Hood/Tweakie and everyone
I am back in Singapore so can continue with my cnc.
All systems go now
Just to recap, I was having problems with my PCI card as I could not configure it to EPP mode and windows was not doing so presumably because windows does not recognise the G540 driver. I had everything working with the charge pump disabled.
While in the USA I bought a PMDX-2PARPCI card and have installed this, this worked immediately with the charge pump enabled. Works perfect.
I had also discovered that although my PC did not have a printer port there is a printerport connection on the mother board but my attempts to use it via a ribbon cable had failed. Well I bought a new ribbon cable and this now also works perfect, I set it to EPP mode via the bios.
So now I have more operational printer ports than I need! but I have learnt alot for my next cnc conversion/build.
It's been a saga and expensive learning curve.
1. If your pc does not have a printer port check your mother board before going down the PCI card route.
2. If you have to use a PCI card don't just buy a cheap EPP/ECP compatible PCI card unless you know you can configure it as appropriate, go to a speciallist cnc supplier for these types of products.
I also bought a Lava EPP only card as backup but have not tried this yet.
Thanks for your help guys, it's been a frustrating journey but you kept me going