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Messages - Whacko

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General Mach Discussion / Re: About the "auto help".
« on: August 24, 2007, 10:17:27 AM »

Hehe! That makes two of us! Is my avatar visible? Or does your firewall block the image?


OK, I get it, it is really simple what you want to do. The guys at www.torchmate.com do something similar with their software/hardware. You could implement it in hardware with your work clamped in the rotary axis, by switching a selector switch you could switch the step pulses from the y axis to the rotary axis, or by implementing a third axis in Mach3. This will mean that your cad must take care of the post to the particular axis. You do not want to convert your code to angular, it will be the normal xy code. The Lazer manufacturers like Biostronic did the same as a pipe cutting attachment. They just transfer the one axis to a rotary axis. Now depending on how your rotary axis is configured and driven, you might have to change the steps per unit setting as Chaoticone (Is he really chaotic  :D) said. But if you have a closed loop system with servo's and encoders, your encoder could roll on the top of the tube. Similar to the decoiler sheetmetal cutting equipment.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Serial Port control under cypress enable
« on: August 23, 2007, 06:54:10 PM »
The file you want to send, is it constantly appended in the Mach3 environment? Remember, running a script is part of the OS and you could even do the same by running it on it's own without starting Mach3 in a .vbs file. What you are doing now is been taken care of by the OS via the VB Script engine and is meaningless to Mach3.


Alex, I don't quite get it. Do you want to move 10" in the Y axis, and then do the angular movement on the A axis to cut a circle of 4" diameter?
What is your application? I can help you with the VB code etc. but I'm not sure what you want to do.


I might be on the wrong track as to what Alex wants, but if you have a knife for instance to follow the angular travel as a third rotating axis, the diameter is not relevant. You need to resolve the angle of travel in the xy plane and convert it to radians to align the knife.

Don't mind me if I'm on the wrong track, I do that often.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Serial Port control under cypress enable
« on: August 23, 2007, 01:24:53 PM »
Have you got the modbus option enabled? Also, out of the Mach3 environment, serial I think is only supported with modbus protocol, and includes CRC. That could be why you only get X amount of bytes out. Just a thought, I may be way out.


You'll need to run a macro most propably in the macropump doing a cos/tan conversions of the XY DRO's

Whacko for real

General Mach Discussion / Re: M Code Macros & Parameters
« on: August 19, 2007, 02:02:47 PM »
Yes, there certainly are many ways, elaborate what you want to do.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Source for Optex Optical switches??
« on: August 16, 2007, 07:02:11 PM »
Link to Optek distribution listing http://www.optekinc.com/distribution_int.asp

In many if not most cases you can order online from suppliers anywhere in the world. I do it all the time!


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