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Author Topic: New PlugIn just about done..  (Read 215870 times)

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Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2008, 11:35:02 PM »
I've just ordered one and hopefully it should arrive during the week.  I noticed your remark that you saw the video, I know this isn't the videos thread, but can you tell me where to look.

Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2008, 01:21:45 PM »
Here you go.
It's a 4 in 1 video.   You get to see Greg's zero Z macro, his Laser edge locater, the ShuttlePro2, and Greg's vacuum plate.   4 inspirational technologies.   Greg has a couple more videos you can find from the following web page too. 
Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2008, 12:47:26 AM »
Copy your zero script to a notebook file and save it as M650.m1s
Place this file in Mach3 / macros / Mach3mill folder   (or the folder with the name of the profile you use)
Then in the Shuttle plugin assign a button to "Custom macro #1"  and put 650 in the Macro number 1 box
That should do it.  Just remember if you ever alter your zero macro, to do it in both places.  Button Script and Macro folder.

What do you name the second macro to be attached to the Shuttle pro?  M651.m1s?

Offline GaryB

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Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2008, 08:34:38 AM »
or a macro number thats not in use, open the macro sub directory and verify you will not over write one with the same #
Beckwith Decor Products
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Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #64 on: January 11, 2008, 12:24:32 AM »

What do you name the second macro to be attached to the Shuttle pro?  M651.m1s?

I,m sorry Dave I've been away for a week.  Not really sure what you mean about a second macro attached to the Shuttle Pro.

The Auto Tool Zero script which I suggested you call M650.m1s  should be exactly the same as the Button Script behind the on screen button.

Button scripts are stored inside the Screenset  (  .set  files  )  I don't know why Art decided this was the best place.  Maybe  you can ask him. :)

An alternative would be to have the onscreen button call the M650.m1s.  However that is just one more thing for people to get their head around.  :)


PS:  Numbering it 650 is not arbitrary.  Just a spare number.   Got an idea I read somewhere user macros need to be above 600.  Not sure about that.
Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #65 on: January 13, 2008, 08:32:27 PM »
I am a new member and I find this forum very interesting and full of good information.
I have Wincnc and I was wondering if the Shuttlepro would work with it?
Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #66 on: February 01, 2008, 02:07:19 PM »
 I really could use some help with my new Shuttlexpress. I have read this whole thread and downloaded the latest plugin. I follow directions and all the features work exept the outer ring. Nothing happens when twisted left or right. I have the 3 small buttons set as x-y-z and the 2 larger buttons (one on each side set to rapid-- and rapid++. Should the outer ring do the rapid and then that frees up 2 buttons for other things? How do I get the outer ring to do the rapid?
 Thanks for the help that this great website gives and Mach3 is a great product, this is coming from a over 30+ year CNC programmer/machinist and used many different CNC controls.
Thanks, KGN

Offline Greolt

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Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2008, 05:17:56 PM »
This seems to be a consistent question, comes up all the time.

I think there must be an undocumented version mismatch.

Delete the plugin and install the latest one.

Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #68 on: February 01, 2008, 07:27:30 PM »
 Thanks! I had the latest plug-in but downloaded the latest 3.023 Mach3 and installed it along with the plug-in again and it works fine now. Thanks for the help.
Re: New PlugIn just about done..
« Reply #69 on: March 04, 2008, 08:59:30 PM »
So - just pluged in a shuttleExpress and downloaded the plugin and everything seems to be working fine (once I figured out which buttons were which) - but I'm wondering if there's any way to speed up the middle wheel. The outer ring has a nice range of speeds but, working in mm, I seem to need to spin the middle wheel around several times before I can hear a stepper stepping. Does it go 25.4 times slower that it should working in mm :)

-- edit nevermind - found the answer on page 3 of this thread :)
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 11:12:35 PM by jallitt »