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Messages - robertspark

does this help at all?


(sorry not set up a spindle before)

... it is specifically for the ESS ... and there are settings on the SS config page too


General Mach Discussion / Re: Homing LURCH issue, Mach3
« on: November 14, 2015, 08:17:26 AM »
check your cable routing ... do the switch cables run past the motor power cables?

The X and Z seem to be working fine, and given the homing procedure is done one axis at a time it may be something wrong with the Y axis motor or driver creating noise which is affecting the switches / sensors.

you may have a motor with a winding issue or you may have a drive with a problem...

if possible (i.e. your motors are similar) try to swap your motors between drives and see it the problem occurs again:
(i.e. did it stay on the Y .... in which case it's the drive maybe, or
did it move to the other axis now.... in which case it may be the motor or wiring / routing etc)

may want to consider shielded cable for the sensors and drives (just make sure you ground the shielding only at one end)

Don't know if this has died a death (it was a long time ago)...

You can assign more that the standard defined outputs but you need to use "Brains".... however there is a limit.... given Mach3 seems to only provide for a set number of outputs on the outputs tabs.... and 30 is rather a large number....

However you can use Modbus and you'll probably be fairly unlimited (or at least quite a large number) and you would basically create a button with a custom oem code / reference number (>1000) .... then in brains set up a button with the same oem code >>> then send that signal out via modbus to your device (or to the output).

Andy at warp9 responded to my post saying that all four mounting holes of the ESS are isolated from ground (I was concerned that you may have used metal risers)... But did state that the Ethernet sheild is grounded... So if you use a cat 6 cable (or like I do a fly lead with a chassis / bulkhead connector on the end of it so I can just connect all my wiring to the outside of my control box)... The ESS will form a ground with the casing or PC and this may create a ground loop

... I say may as these things can be occasional an problematic.

Like rf noise


Good method there thanks

Don't be scared by any of this treat it as an adventure... You never know what's around the corner...  Have a healthy respect for it and safety as the machine has no brain (fingers out of the cutting area etc)... Some days stuff works... Some days not... As Edison said " I have not failed.  I have only found 1000 ways not to do something "

Glad to hear its working.

May I ask..
What type of network cable are you using (any markings on it)... Is it shielded? ... Cat6?

Does the network cable go directly from the PC to the ESS... Or have you used a lead with a bulkhead connector?


SmoothStepper USB / Re: SS Crash's Mach
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:56:44 PM »
Can you post some photos of your setup?

Why not use a crocodile clip onto the tool when you want to use the tool offset / probe function
I am using a crocodile clip on the tool or when the tool is to big for the clip I clip it to a bolt head on the spindle mount, but for the testing I have been clipping to the tool. To add a little more to my grounding theory if I touch the ground to the tool in the middle of the zeroing macro I can feel the machine react to the contact, not much, but there is something happening and this is long before the tool reaches the touch plate.
Then put the 5v (pin 13 or 15 input..forget which one you are using) to your insulated calibrated height block.... (You could use a piece of blank PCB (printed circuit board)....
you just described my setup as it stands now, although my circuit board is loose so I can move it around to the work piece.

I still think you have a grounding issue with a ground loop somewhere as there should be no reaction if you touch the tool to the ground at any point ^^^^^ (read the quote / statement above from an earlier post).

Yup I've been having a look at the manual...thanks

And I've put a post on the Warp9 website (suggest you register and have a look for yourself).
(Andy should be working for a little while longer yet US time)


SmoothStepper USB / Re: SS Crash's Mach
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:07:00 PM »
.... in short .... you have a ground loop problem....

I'd suggest you post your setup (you are probably best to read the Warp9 forum and the website as this has proved to be a very common and annoying problem that I'm sure collectivly we have spent many hours trying to trace).

You will need to list your breakout board and some photographs and maybe a schematic of how you have wired everything.

I've have a USB SS in the past and I know it was a right pain until I traced the offending ground loop (in my case it was my USB cable that was touching my casing and earthing the whole system as I used a chassis connector such as one of these...http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/USB-B-Male-To-USB-Chassis-Socket-3M-/141823002079?hash=item21054f45df:g:OAsAAMXQuTNTLar8 ) as well as joining all my low voltage (0V) supplies together...