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Messages - Klaus1311

Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Changing image file
« on: September 09, 2010, 06:19:36 AM »
Hi Csaba,

I'm not sure I understand your question right. You can place an image with the same name as many times as you want.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Changing image file
« on: September 09, 2010, 03:47:27 AM »
Hello Csaba,

how are you trying to load the image? You can select an existing image, or add a new image.
When you select an existing image, the property dialog shows in the "Path" - line the relative path\filename. Doubleclick that path.
When you add a image, place the mouse pointer at the upper left required position and click left mouse button.
In both cases the dialog "Specify filename" opens. Within that dialog you can select the image. If you use default settings, the image must be lying in or underneath Mach3\Bitmaps. You can set the "root bitmap" in Options -> Settings Generic prog settings "User defined image path". In that case all images must be lying in or underneath that path.
I would suggest use default setting and copy the needed images into the Mach3\Bitmaps - path.



MachScreen saves the loaded file with the filename and an incremented number in the file-extension. If you haven't loaded your set-file more then five times, you could try the following:
Rename your file THC300M3.set to THC300M3.old
rename TCH300M3.SEn with the highest number to THC300M3.set
try to load the set-file. If this doesn't work, I'm afraid you have to ask your dealer for that file again, or you use another set-file like 1024.set, if that fit's your demands.



the *.set-file looks totally messed up. From the first look I would say, every byte which should be zero (0x00) is a blank-character (0x20). Did you edit or convert this file with another program than a screen-editor?.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: MachScreen releases
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:28:24 AM »

Version V1.43.2 is available.

I added a few things.

If righth-mouse button is clicked while script editing, Mach- and Basic functions and their parameters with the required version are shown in a dialog. Depending on the setting, either all functions, or only functions for a defined Mach version will be shown. The selected Mach version is shown in the info line on bottom of the edit-window. When a function is double clicked, the function is inserted at the current caret pos.
New functions for version 42.30 and 43.06 added.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Toolbar Graphics inop
« on: August 03, 2010, 10:00:46 AM »

Thank you for the info. I will see what I can do.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Toolbar Graphics inop
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:55:06 AM »

not all icons are enabled at start. If you select 1 or more elements the appropriate icons will be enabled. Nevertheless the disabled icons look strange. You obviously don't use the default Win XP display settings. I'm using the German WIN version and don't know the proper English terms for it. What windows-style, color scene and resolution are you using?


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: MachScreen releases
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:52:14 AM »
Hi Dave.

I don't have much experience in designing screen-sets (I'm still busy converting my mill to CNC). I can follow your arguments. Every user has different preferences and it is impossible to satisfy everybody's wishes. As you say, in some cases there is not just one solution to be right. It would be interesting for me, what other users think about:
Select all :
select really all, or select all except the unselectable
Select by rectangle:
select really all, or select all except the unselectable
Quote  “Multiple selects by control and multiple mouse clicks: Is it possible to do this sequence:
click object 1, hold control, go select object 2, find is is not selectable, so make it selectable, then select it, and then go on without loosing the previously selected objects and add more objects to the selection set?”
This solution would need a major change in program-code, at the moment I will not implement that.
If some of you don't want to give their opinion here in the forum, please feel free to send me an email. You'll find my email address on my homepage -> contact, in my profile, or from MachScreen Help - >email.



Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: MachScreen releases
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:06:09 AM »
Hi Zafar

right now, there are no grids. But you can align your elements with the align - left, right, top, bottum, same size, same height, same width feature. Just select the elements you want to align and click the desired align icon, or menu point. All elements are aligned corresponding to the master-selected element.


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: MachScreen releases
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:44:35 PM »

Version V1.44 is available. New features added:

Elements from page 0(Global) can now be assigned to any valid page number. Select the element from page 0 and change Global parameter to ‘no’ and select the new page number from the listbox.

When a element is locked for mouse move it is now no more selectable. To unlock it, you can use the standard menu “Edit” or context menu (right mouse button)  -> unlock single element.  To keep the number of the shown selected items small, you can set filters in the type list. If more than 1 element should be unlocked, select the items and press OK.  To unlock 1 element you can either select the item and press OK, or doubleclick the item.
