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Messages - Cbyrdtopper

I agree with Craig and Allan.
Since you can only use 1 probe move at a time there is no reason to have multiple #VARS to store each individual probe strike.
After the prove strike, take the value and store it in another register.

I thought these were documented, but when I went back to check where I found the G31 and couldn't find G31.1 - G31.3. 
G31 Part Z Coordinate is #5063 and G31 Machine Z Coordinate is #5073
I thought the others were documented, but clearly they are not.  Open up the Reg file #VARS to about #5000 - #5500 and make a few probe strikes on G31.1 and see if any of them change.  Trial and Error has helped me find #VARS in the past. 

The subroutine doesn't have to be in the current G Code file.  It can be placed in the Subroutines folder in the Mach4 directory; then the m98 call will:  go get the code, run it, and on m99 return to the current G Code file.
You could also use Variables in the G Code Subroutine to make adjustments to certain parameters. 

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: How to show spindel RPM?
« on: April 10, 2019, 01:50:46 PM »
Very cool.   I didn't k ow that was a built in DRO code.   👍

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: How to show spindel RPM?
« on: April 10, 2019, 08:55:31 AM »
Here is some code to display Spindle Speed Override Percentage.  I tried to get it to modify the Screed DRO but for some reason wasn't having any luck on my end, I'm not sure why since I have used the scr.SetProperty code before with DROs; maybe someone else can jump on here and tell me what's up.  Either way, I got it to work.

--Place this code in the PLC script
--SSO Percentage Display
local inst = mc.mcGetInstance()
local SSO = mc.mcSpindleGetOverride(inst)
local SSOPercentage = (SSO * 100)
mc.mcCntlSetPoundVar(inst, 500, SSOPercentage)
--scr.SetProperty('droSSOPercent', 'Value', tostring(SSOPercentage));

So, the DRO you place in the Screen needs to be set up correctly.
In this example, I have it looking at #VARS 500.
In the DRO Properties, set the "System VAR"to 500
You can name the DRO:  droSSOPercent     if you want to see if the last commented out section works, but like I said, it didn't work on my end.
But this will display the percentage of the slider.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: How to shop spindel RPM?
« on: April 10, 2019, 08:17:09 AM »
The DRO above the slider shows "True RPM" which is the actual RPM when you have some sort of Spindle Feedback set up in Mach4.  You can go into the screen editor and change the DRO Code to "Spindle RPM" instead of "Spindle True RPM", this will display the current commanded spindle RPM.

On the slider, do you want it to show a %.  When you click up on the slider or move it, you want to see a percentage of override?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: 1 Gcode => many parts
« on: April 05, 2019, 09:52:41 AM »
It may take some time, but you can manually nest your model in Fusion.
I don't know the geometry of your part so I don't know how well this will work, but in Fusion CAM you can make a linear pattern of your entire setup. 
So you have one model with all your toolpath and you can have multiple parts made just by putting that Setup inside a linear pattern.

There is an output handle for the Spindle, just check the SpindleOn state,
Get the handle, check the state, if it is on then disable the Drawbar button.

I use G91 in canned cycles if I'm doing a single hole and i don't want to adjust the operators current work offset.
I can even use G91 on our new Haas machines.
I will try and double check tomorrow and see about G99 and G98 with the G91.  We've been busy at the shop this past week, but I'll see if I can give it a try on two mills tomorrow.

I have found no difference in this being checked or not, as far as my own testing goes.
From what I understand, Rigid Tapping is handled through the motion controller.
Hopefully Rigid Tapping will be addressed soon.