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Messages - Cbyrdtopper

I have never used USB PLC so I do not know.  We have had luck with cheap switches off of Amazon or eBay.  I now get the expensive ones from automation direct; I know these won't mess up on me. 

I have a switch that connects the HiCON motion controller and the Click PLC to the computer.
https://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php?topic=34228.0  This thread is helpful getting modbus communication set up, and I think it has an M6 macro in there as well.

Yes, I always get ethernet, mainly because I use TCP Modbus communication between the Click and Mach4 and it is much faster file transfer.  As long as you only need the 8 in and 6 out that should work. 
As far as creating logic.  It is all ladder logic, if you know how to do that then it is fairly straight forward; if not, YouTube is your friend.  The first time I ever used a PLC was to do a tool change on a Hurco VMC; fairly extensive but I got it figured out pretty quick. 

On this forum, I'm sure everyone will have their own opinion, use a PLC or just code the tool change.  To me, if you are using a stepper or servo for turret position, I would code it.  If you are using switches, counting mechanism, or some other mechanical way of determining position, I would personally use a PLC because it is easier for me to do.   

Aaronky; I use the Click PLC all the time here in the shop.  Mostly I put them on machines with Mach4 to handle most of the IO and trivial tasks I don't want to code in Mach4.  I even use the Click for lathe turret tool changes. 

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Lathe: Reducing the chatter
« on: November 08, 2021, 08:29:20 AM »
I've looked into doing this before but gave up on the idea since it really wouldn't make a difference in our shop.
However, since it is dealing with the spindle speed while it is running; it would have to be a motion controller thing and not something from Mach.
I could be wrong and there might be a way to do it in Mach; I'll let others chime in, but I really think it is a motion controller thing.
I was going to do it with a PLC that sent the analog voltage to my spindle drive.  That would be out of the Mach4 loop and I could do whatever I want with the Analog output going to the drive.  You could still set up DROs that would give you the time to change the speed and the range of the speed and let a PLC read those and make the adjustments.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: By all means, I want you to improve Mac4!
« on: September 02, 2021, 09:53:52 AM »
Mach4 adheres to more standard practices. 
I'm not exactly sure what your issue with Feedhold is.
Feedhold is meant to pause the machine while running with the intent to be continued where you paused; if you want to stop and change something after Feedhold, a Stop is required. 
If you want to start on an arbitrary line, you can use the "Run From Here". 
Feedhold in Mach4 does not stop the spindle unless you have the Check Box for that checked in the General Configuration.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: About G Code of Mach4 Demo
« on: September 01, 2021, 11:32:16 AM »
There is an option in the Mach4 Post Processor for Fusion 360 to "Use Rigid Tapping".  Set this to "No" and it won't output the m29, it will just output the G84 as Steve mentioned.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Enable/Disable Script
« on: August 27, 2021, 04:13:46 PM »
There is a lot you can do with the signal library with inputs. I use the same button to toggle enable, spindle, coolant, and the keyboard. I also have a button for reset, cycle start, and feedhold.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 Enable/Disable Script
« on: August 27, 2021, 10:06:54 AM »
I use one button to toggle enable on the control panels here in the shop.
Just put the code in the signal library in the screen load script.
I modified my code so one input will enable mach and the other will disable mach.

[mc.ISIG_INPUT6] = function (state)
    if (state == 1) then
       local inst = mc.mcGetInstance();

[mc.ISIG_INPUT7] = function (state)
    if (state == 1) then
       local inst = mc.mcGetInstance();

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Start Mach4 in Screen Editor
« on: August 13, 2021, 11:31:46 AM »
Thanks RT!
That'll do it for me.  Got it taken care of!