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Messages - jve

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General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:21:38 AM »
yes it is allready in auto toolchange

General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:10:33 AM »
i try that but the program still does not stop when i have a toolchange m6
do i need to put some where code "m0"
so the program stop and wait for toolchange to be ready

General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:05:38 PM »
i found the mistake on the vb but how i did it when i load a g code with some tool change the system does not wait for the toolchange finish the g code will run and does not wait for the tool change first can some one tell me what i have wrong iv been working on this for two weeks now and i am really tyerd now
this is the last vb

Sub Main()
z= GetUserDro(1202)
code"G53 G0z"&z
While IsMoving()
NewTool = GetSelectedTool()
OldTool = GetCurrentTool()
MaxToolNum = 16 'Max number of tools for the changer

While NewTool > MaxToolNum
NewTool = Question ("Enter New Tool Number up to " & MaxToolNum)

If NewTool = OldTool Or NewTool = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

If OldTool <> NewTool Then
SetUserDRO(2000, NewTool)
End If

'SystemWaitFor (21) 'when the PLC is done, it can turn on input4 so the M6 will drop out.


While IsMoving

End Sub

General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 22, 2009, 09:59:51 AM »
 this is my vb may be i have some thing wrong on this

Sub Main()
z= GetUserDro(1202)
code"G53 G0z"&z
While IsMoving()
NewTool = GetSelectedTool()
OldTool = GetCurrentTool()
MaxToolNum = 16 'Max number of tools for the changer

While NewTool > MaxToolNum
NewTool = Question ("Enter New Tool Number up to " & MaxToolNum)

If NewTool = OldTool Or NewTool = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If

If OldTool <> NewTool Then
SetUserDRO(2000, NewTool)
End If

SystemWaitFor (INPUT4) 'when the PLC is done, it can turn on input4 so the M6 will drop out.


While IsMoving

End Sub

General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 22, 2009, 02:08:07 AM »
ok scott i made the brain and when i have a toolchange the input 4 led is off and when the toolchange is ready the input 4 led it is on but i dont know y the m6 it does not drop out  what do i have wrong ?
thanks in advance

General Mach Discussion / Re: 16 atc via modbus
« on: October 10, 2009, 12:02:29 PM »
then you are writing to "coils" in the PLC, you need to write to a "Holding register", or user memory.  Then do a "Bit-of-word" operation on that register to grab the Tool requested, from there you can do compare statements that then activate your sensor for your Binary input patteren your looking for.

ok scott finally i did my tool changer and it seems it is working well i only have one problem by now when the tool finish it has to activate input 4 of mach 3 i am receiving a bit on the discrete but the input 4 is not activated i have enable input 4 on port 0 pin 1 but not sure if i done it right
do you have some kind of example how i can do the last operation m6 drop out
many thanks in advance

General Mach Discussion / Re: encoder feedback
« on: September 27, 2009, 09:34:33 AM »
How many encoder counts would that equate to? Seems to me that if its such a large amount then it must be a force of some sort acting on the axis and moving it when disabled. I use a SmoothStepper and have noticed by monitoring my drives software that pressing the reset can lose position but it is only by 1 or max 2 counts of my encoder which equates to 0.00125mm maximum. I have put that down to my drives being disabled and the belts relaxing slightly. I always rehome after I have reset but in reality it would be a lot of resets before I am out of position enough to worry about. If however I had a slantbed lathe then the chances are the axis would move further when the drive was disabled (due to reset being pressed) so at this time the only option would be to rehome after a reset.

thanks hood
i will take your advice and rehome after a reset

Modbus / Re: com1 & com2 modbus
« on: September 27, 2009, 09:27:07 AM »
You have 2 options here.

1.  Use an RS232 to RS485 converter and run the PLC and the ModIO off that.
2. Use the RS232 to RS485 on the ModIO and run the PLC off the ModIO's RS485 connectors.

Have a look at these 2 engineering notes;


which one do you think i should use ?

Modbus / Re: com1 & com2 modbus
« on: September 27, 2009, 06:17:23 AM »

No you can't use 2 com ports in Mach3 with Modbus.

What you can do is use RS485 to talk to the PLC and the ModIO through a single com port. This is how most talk to multiple modbus devices.

The ModIO can use RS232, RS485 two wire, or RS485 four wire.

You can also use the ModIO as a RS232 to RS485 converter as well.

Does your PLC haave a RS485 port?
yes the plc has a rs485 port
my intention is to leave the plc doing the atc stuff and then i would like to have a modio to controll the mpg,analog feed rate, start the spindle and controll it via analog 0-10v i would like to have the mpg handheld
do i need another port on the pc with rs485 port cause as far as i know the serial port cannot be a rs485?

General Mach Discussion / Re: encoder feedback
« on: September 26, 2009, 01:21:41 PM »
The loop is closed to your drives but at this point Mach is not in the loop. Sorry I didnt see the first part regarding the reset before, how much is it loosing when you reset?
i would say about .1 of a mm but it is not always .1mm

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