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Topics - otpco

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General Mach Discussion / Go to zero
« on: October 28, 2022, 09:00:42 PM »
Hi all just doing a re build of my Moog 16 years ago I did the mach to my Moog ! Best thing ever thanks Art .. the drives have died .. rutex has finally stopped
 Mach drives now .. so I have the book put again .. when going  go to zero button how do you get z to retract first ? Is this doable . With the reload I can't get this sorted
 Also having a bit of trouble getting the z home to come back off the switch .. thanks to all I do like my mach

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Tuna machdrives bra brc
« on: September 16, 2022, 01:43:57 AM »
Hi I am sinking I am refitting my refit .my original refit had Rutes 990 drives . Thay died ... So 16 years later I am trying to fit machdrives bra drives . I have them fitted but. I cannot get the tuna program to display velocity correctly . This means I cannot tune them

Tangent Corner / Sanyo Denki customer service advice ?
« on: October 21, 2020, 09:21:50 PM »
Hi all still playing with CNC Bridgeport moog is still going but have another project .
 I am not having any luck getting any support from Sanyo Denki for some of there older servo motors .
There site is not very responsive . Has anyone had any luck with contacting them ?
 Trying to get 1987 Microtek up and going again .  CN410T servo motors . would love to find the pin outs for the encoader and tach gen . . thanks to all

General Mach Discussion / Mach 3 lost spindle control ??
« on: October 20, 2019, 11:23:55 PM »
Hi all been away for a while . I have somehow lost the spindle control I have a homman  control running a VFD . I cann not get the spindle to run . Any ideas the vfd is working and the Homman board replaced . . Has any body had this problem . I have not changed any  of the configuration . machine has been running from  2006 . now its decided it needs to stop .. Bugger !

General Mach Discussion / smooth stepper support ?
« on: August 26, 2016, 03:01:34 AM »
Hi all is the smooth stepper support working ? there is a few posts that have no response!
would dearly like to get mine sorted out . I need to make things in the shed . Thanks  mark 

SmoothStepper USB / ESS Did not respond ?
« on: August 21, 2016, 07:22:43 AM »
Hi all ,.
I am having a few problems with my new to me smooth stepper ..
I am running win7 pro. its the not the usb version.
 I get the message the ess did not respond to wake up message .
Any ideas . I am trying to get this to work so as I can replace my existing computer 

General Mach Discussion / Mach 2
« on: September 17, 2014, 12:01:34 AM »
Hi all need to load Mach 2 with the rutex tune any ideas where I might find it . Yahoo wont let me in !

General Mach Discussion / Help old Rutex 990 tuneing anybody
« on: September 16, 2014, 09:57:45 PM »
Hi all I need to tune a 990 servo motor board . it has pid tuneing . Is there a way . Art had som sort of a program that went with Mach 2 . Desperate to get going again .

General Mach Discussion / P I D tuneing of servo motor
« on: September 16, 2014, 05:32:21 AM »
 Hi all I have had a Crash and cooked the servo motor drive . Bugger .  I am looking for some information about PID tuning .   IT used to be here but the search turns up nothing . I need a  easy Guide to how to do it thanks Otpco .

Tangent Corner / Mist coolant
« on: January 28, 2014, 11:33:50 PM »
Hi all I want to try mist type coolant . Is there any how to stuff out there I like the Spra-kool but at 78.00 postage its a bit rich !!!! . Think it looks great a hole lot less mess than flood type . This is for my Moog Hydropoint . conversion thanks to alll

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