Hello Claudio,
Many thanks for your helpful reply. Sorry I have taken so long to answer.
I have reinstalled the Bitsensor board and it works pretty well now. The Stepper Motors work well and the Motor Tuning is easy to set up.
Thanks for the attached wiring diagram. I'm also using the RnR.dll driver as recommended.
There are still some puzzles for me to try to work out.
1. When I wire up my Limit Switches , all Normally Open, to the In 2 terminal and then close the switch(es) to DCM, there is no response.
2. The same is true when I connect EStop from IN 1 to DCM. No Emergency Stop happens.
3. The same is true for connecting the Home switches from IN 3 to DCM. I use the Limit Switches as Home Switches so I have placed a jumper link from IN 2 to IN 3.
4. The same goes for the Probe connection to IN 4.
5. I have the White Start/Stop wire connected to OUT 2. That seems to be working okay.
I have 24V connected to power the Analog 24V Terminal and 0V to ACM.
I assume the Grounds for Analogue and Digital are connected, so that ACM is at the same (Ground) potential as DCM.
When I look at the Diagnostics tab there seems to be nothing going on at all.
My understanding of PCB layout is that it is unusual to have Analogue and Digital Grounds connected.
My feeling is that I have not assigned the correct Port and Pins numbers somewhere in the Config Tabs. I can change motor directions and so on by checking and unchecking as required. This means the USB is working properly.
I have seen many variations of the Ports and Pins settings on dozens of You Tube videos but I have never seen a complete set of Screen Shots of a fully functional 6040/Bitsensor/USB CNC Mill. I can't afford to change over to another PCB and Stepper Driver combination just now so I would love to have my current machine working properly.
Any further thoughts would be really welcome.
There's nothing wrong with your English!
Thanks again,