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Author Topic: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging  (Read 37541 times)

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Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2011, 10:45:14 AM »
Do you see the M30 in the code window? If not then you will need to make sure you have ended the block in your code by pressing the Enter key after the M30, either that or put a % on the line after the M30.

 Motor pulley is 1.25 times  larger than spindle pulley so spindle should go 1.25 times faster than the motor, so I make that 1712.5rpm.

Re: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2011, 11:33:30 AM »
ooops , no enter after m30
i got it. thanks.
i just felt that i am missing steps. any good diy servo controller built out there you may know? i want to start with atmega16 and an hbridge circuit that i have on my hands. i have a quad encoder with 400 ppr. sorry but no uhu based controller. any atmega16 code may help to get a good start.
thanks again,
jasminder singh

Offline Hood

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  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2011, 01:42:41 PM »
Afraid I dont know of any DIY servo drives :(
Re: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2011, 01:34:03 PM »
one more thing if you can tell about.
its about writing a macro in mach.
i want to write a macro in mach3 that will get input from a encoder attached to the stepper motor. No matter which direction, this macro will see if a pulse was given to a stepper driver (or a parallel port pin assume 2) but there was no output from the encoder and will then reset mach3 and display a message saying that motor is missing steps.

I want to know that-
1. is this possible?
2. can mach3 take ttl level inputs at the intervals of 5 us?
3. can mach3 run both the program and the macro all the time along with it to monitor the input.

i am pretty sure that you will have good knowlegde about it.
buying a servo isn't a good option this time for me. may be i can save my workpiece from being scraped this way.

jasminder singh

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
Re: mach3 turn spindle dro not working, spindle speed changing while jogging
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2011, 08:19:02 PM »
You can do it if you use one of the encoder inputs. How effective it will be I am not sure, there is a board that does exactly what you are wanting, here is a link http://rogersmachine.net/encoderinterface.html
I think it uses a plugin rather than macropump now but it originally had a macropump.
Following on to the previous answers I have tried all the actions suggested and still cannot get the speed read out to indicate.
If I rotate the spindle by hand with the diagnostic screen on I get a green light each time the magnet passes the hall effect chip
When I first got it  going all worked ok and I even cut my first screw. However without any speed indication I am stuck
The installation is on a Myford ML7 lathe and all other things seem 100%
Wiring and routing of it are unchanged
I get 5 v out of the hall device as it passes the spindle magnet. I do not know how to post an .xml file either.

I 'm  a bit desperate for help and hope someone can do
Geoff Ford Cape Town
Following on to the previous answers I have tried all the actions suggested and still cannot get the speed read out to indicate.
If I rotate the spindle by hand with the diagnostic screen on I get a green light each time the magnet passes the hall effect chip
When I first got it  going all worked ok and I even cut my first screw. However without any speed indication I am stuck
The installation is on a Myford ML7 lathe and all other things seem 100%
Wiring and routing of it are unchanged
I get 5 v out of the hall device as it passes the spindle magnet. I do not know how to post an .xml file either.

I 'm  a bit desperate for help and hope someone can do
Geoff Ford Cape Town
dear geoff,
there will be a mch3turn.xml file in your system folders where mach is installed (it is where the macros are saved on you c drive)
have you set up pulley ratio?
it should not be set to 0
Thanks a lot
Yes the pulley ratio is set to 1.
Is this the file that is needed to look at my set up mach3 turn.xb74
If it is how do I send it to the thread.
I tried to cut and paste but no joy. I can e mail as an attachment but to get it on here is beating me
Geff Ford Cape Town

Offline Hood

  •  25,835 25,835
  • Carnoustie, Scotland
That is one of the backups that Mach makes, you are looking in the backup folder but the one you really want (current one)  is in the main Mach3  folder, not the backup folder.
You can attach by using the additional options button on the reply page, yo will need to rename the xml first though as the forum only accepts a file name once, so copy to your desktop, rename to GeoffFord.xml and attach.
iHope this is ok Thanks for your patience