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Author Topic: THE LATHE PROJECT - 2011  (Read 146710 times)

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Offline DaOne

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« on: January 08, 2011, 06:46:11 PM »
This thread will focus on a new lathe screen. Replies will be monitored and if out of context with the thread they may be deleted or relocated to
another topic. Nothing personal my friends, but initialy the task is hard enough without it blooming into multiple topics. So requests on  running a  lathe, or wizards,
or things just not associated with the actual development of a  lathe screen should be asked elswhere. Just want to keep it focused.

Our goal will be to improve on all the currently available ( free ) screens and come up with , idealy, the best of the best.
Should you have a lathe screen which you developed and want to offer it feel free to post so it can be reviewed.

The lathe has taken a back seat for a long time. There are shortcomings to MACH3  Lathe. This post is not about fixing the shortcomings  as
that is out of our control. It is possible however to make a more usable lathe screen that can be embraced.

Exactly how the wizards will be incorporated  is yet to be determined. There is a thread where activity on upgrading the wizards
is in place. I am going to create a seperate thread on the threading wizards.

So if you would like to give your time, expertise, and use talents towards an improrved lathe screen....here is your chance.
Back some time ago Hood reached out for input on a new lathe screen with the following questions ? and R  replies:

?What would you want to see for the standard lathe screen?
R- My personal preference would be a screen similar to mill in layout and with most day to day functions on the main page and other pages for the not so common/occasional tasks and diagnostics etc

?How would you have the screen? 
?What would you want on the pages?
?How many different pages?
?Similar to Mill layout or similar to the way the lathe screen is now or if neither what would you like?

R-  Seriously i do not like them to be too flashy.

R- There are many wasted items on the standard mill screen as it also doubles as router and plasma with all those unwanted functions as compared to a lathe screen.

? So I take it from your reply you like the way the standard turn screen is set up or is yours vastly different?

R- Mine is similar in that it uses large buttons for some functions it has a much more friendly layout.
R- Just had a look and was about to reply, to me that is more like the mill setup than the turn setup and is definitely my preference.

?Do a poll?
R -A poll, well not sure how you could make that up, just too many options I would think but feel free to do so if you think it would be the way to go. I thought ideas in a post would be better

R-  would like to be able to jog cont. and step the x and z axis in selectable size steps and control the spindle and coolant.
       Also a turret jog buton would be nice. And the gcode window and all its stuff. Edit, load, run, hold, stop, ect. Toolpath would be nice as well.

R- There are going to be lot of user preferences on the lathe screen since everyone works differently or has a different variation of  the basic lathe. 
R-  I have been using Phil's screen and it is much more user friendly and has some nice additions / changes  that were done. The current standard one sucks but once you use Phils screen and
     don't have to jump all over the place you would understand what i mean.  Visual switch mode status , enlarged screen fly out on thecycle / main screen, threading task / indication / and turn
     wizards with a click, additional buttons for jogging and visual status, additioinal Axis DROs and coordinate status at a glance are just a few things that come to mind on Phil's screen.

? How would you have the screen
R- must be different at a glance that it is a lathe screen
R - no "flashy" screen colors, what is important stands out or indicates in a non irritating way
R- not like the current standard one, but tabbed screens like the mill
R - step change the screens ( other than the main operating screen) such that it's it visualy guides you into
  detailed setup via flyouts ( example; a single tabbed Setup screen would visualy show the lathe along with
  coordinates, homing controlled point, offsets / tool table, at a high level. A click on a  particular subject area invokes a
  fly out with the associated particulars for data input.  The whole intent would be to make it somewhat user intuitive
  such that the big picture is grasped and work your way down to the associated detail.
R- yep, include additional items from the mill screen
R- tries to address the future ( like optional touch screen ), maybe some macro buttons, other / additional axis use)

R-What would you want on the pages?
R - Phil's screen could be used as a good start for an operating screen to enhance and modify
R- depends on some yet to be determined defined logic
R- ability to use a rotary axis ( i think in the future, as cnc lathe users increase you will see things added to the lathe to increase it's versatility....)
?How many different pages?
R- Operating screen, touch screen,setup screen, tool screen, diagnostics, advanced screen
     ( minimize the number of screens, but how manny will be what can be shown on the screen)   

?Similar to Mill layout or similar to the way the lathe screen is now or if neither what would you like?
R- simular to Phils main screen and incorporating all relavant stuff from the mill to enhance
R- A combination of both but different and better?

R- Personally I wouldnt use a screen that comes with Mach anyway because I am weird and just like the things relevant to me to be on the screen and nothing else.
 Wish it was easy to come up with a way to have a blank canvas and a load of drag and drop buttons so everyone could easily suit themselves but dont think that
 would be easy to do and even then there would still have to be at least a basic screen for new people to use until they decided how they did things.

R- One thing that deffinatley needs to be addressed is standard Hotkeys. They need to be consistant among all default screens. Mill, plasma, lathe, ect.
     Under no circumstance should the same hotkey be assigned to 2 different functions.
R- got a touch screen and would like to see a button on the screen to bring up the jog menu instead of using the tab key.
R-  Particularly a turret jog button. Also the most used buttons have to be on one screen, so you don't have to go back and forth between screens to find the Edit button for instance.
R- Would  be nice to have the machine coords on the main screen as well.
R-  a clear LED that shows if tool length comp is in effect and a button to go to the tools screen and back to the previous page.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 10:59:08 PM by RICH »

Offline RICH

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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 11:09:22 PM »
Examples of lathe screens.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 11:01:49 AM by RICH »

Offline RICH

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« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 11:03:26 AM »
Two more examples of lathe screens.

Offline RICH

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« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2011, 11:31:42 AM »
Here is my high level take on the lathe screens posted in reply 1 & 2.

The 1024 that comes with Mach Turn requires the user to go back and forth between screens ( numerous "clicks" ) to use. I can't speak for the intent of how it was initaily set up and seems that the
thought process was to set up the piece, manualy use and then use the cycle screen for actual running. The diagnostics stands on it's owne. There is a  Flash version of the screen.

The Blue and Silver screens are just an enhanced visual remake of the 1024 screen set. Same layout. User can have it in two different colors.

Softselect screen provides for a single screen but lacks some of the operational functionality of the other screens.

Phils screen combines the 1024 screen sets, adds another axis, and a whole lot of functionality in the screens. It eliminates the need to go back and forth between screens  and provides
for a larger fly out graphics screen ( not shown in the pic). Button clicks are minimized to use it.

Scotts screen is an improvement on the 1024 screen but lacks some of the things available from Phils screen.

Initial thoughts are to combine features from Phils screen into Scotts screen set. While we are  at it, may as well tweak it more to get the best of the best and TRY to satisfy some of the remarks
which are posted in the first reply.

When i get a chance I'll post a more detail comparison list.



Offline Dan13

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« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 01:51:20 PM »
I agree, Rich. The screen which comes with Mach3Turn is very annoying to use with its jumping back and forth between the screens. A screen set providing all the day to day features on one screen is a good improvement. However, the biggest advantage, of the 1024 screen set is its simple screens with only few buttons and you don't have to look for that single button all over the screen. so we need to be careful not to get carried away by trying to put everything on the main page.

I like large buttons and DRO's. The DRO's on Phil's screen are too small for me. I like them being distinct from the other stuff on the screen. Scott's screen has lot's of unused space. I think it's a waste. buttons could be made bigger.

Also, would be nice to have FRO percentage slide bars like in Mach Mill, and not some arrows that change the feed by a set amount.

« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 03:23:34 PM »
I am very flattered to see my 3 page lathe screen so well thought of.  :-[

When i first opened lathe i thought i was in some parallel universe it was so different from mill.  ???

I hadn't had much luck with screen 4 it just doesn't work for me but thanks to Klaus and his MachScreen i was able to do my screen i don't think i would have persevered with screen 4 i would have used someone else's.

I would be the first to admit my screen is lacking graphically and i am not too good with scripts and such like so i don't really know how i could contribute to the new lathe screen apart from ideas.

I have  have updated my own screen but i haven't bothered with the graphics i just use the standard buttons generated by MachScreen.

Some of the features asked for i already have in my personal version and as i work in metric some of my updates would not suit imperial users sol for those still living in the past so there would be two versions mm & imperial. ;D

I haven't modified my screen for some months so to me it is perfect but there are lots of things on the screen that i do not use so things could be improved further i know.

If those in charge would like to see it or know more details i will post it

The Good Thing About Mach3, Is It's very Configurable

The Bad Thing About Mach3, Is It's Too Configurable

Offline RICH

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« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 03:39:10 PM »
Phil....I am still using your screen. Let not your heart be troubled.  :-*  :D Definately post your ideas and if you have a new pic of it modify your reply / add the pic.
Can you list or highlight the personal features you added?

Offline DaOne

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« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2011, 03:39:44 PM »
I have been working on a copy of the Haas intuitive programming interface for the tool room lathe. To me its a simple layout that easy to use. It has all the conversational programming you need to make quick parts without cad.

Watch this video and tell me what your thoughts are...


I know the Haas has a full keypad layout however not many of the functions on the keypad are used. They can still be included but don't need to be on the main screen. I own a TL-1 in the shop and its so simple my 8 year can run it. I built a 9x20 conversion for the garage to use at home so my kids can make things. I would love to have it simple like the big machine at the shop.
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 04:06:32 PM »
Phil....I am still using your screen. Let not your heart be troubled.  :-*  :D Definately post your ideas and if you have a new pic of it modify your reply / add the pic.
Can you list or highlight the personal features you added?

Manual screen

I added with the help of Melee (No Longer A Member) a facing wizard i suppose i use it so

Touch on workpiece set the facing amount be to be removed it will progressively remove that amount and then set Z to zero at the end of each cut the Z backs out so as not to touch the material when rapiding out there is a settings page to this so that speeds etc can all be preset

A G00 Z button and a G00 X Button  so when you have to come back to your axis zero just press the right button

Then i have two buttons with G1 Z and G1 X these each have a Dro to be the position the axis will feed to at the current set feedrate

The most used dros &  functions from the mpg flyout screen, i am using two mpgs to control the axis and the buttons allow fine movement and all types of movement

I replaced the code for the homing button to ref both axis one after the other

Two buttons to switch between Feed per rev & Feed per min

Cycle Screen

I added an optional stop button M30

I added a dro to show the Rapid feed rate override

I added buttons for 10, 20 ,50 100% to slow rapids to the shown percentage so no heart attacks when first running code

A verify button but not sure if its working

Settings page

A button to Set Steps Per Axis (Why wasn't it already there)


The Good Thing About Mach3, Is It's very Configurable

The Bad Thing About Mach3, Is It's Too Configurable

Offline Hood

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« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2011, 04:29:35 PM »
One thing I have wanted for a while and just added it last night is a page that has tool/offset numbers and the description next to it. This is very handy as it lets me quickly look without having to scroll through the ToolTable. The descriptions are updated each time you look at the page so if you change anything in the ToolTable it is displayed correctly next time you look at that page.

This may not be something every one would find useful but for people with Auto Turrets with repeatable tooling and those with QC toolposts it may be handy so thought I would mention it.

Sat up to 3am doing the VB for the button then talked to Graham this morning and he showed me how to do it in 4 lines instead orf 100 ;D
