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Author Topic: THE LATHE PROJECT - 2011  (Read 151249 times)

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Offline poppabear

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« Reply #60 on: March 16, 2011, 07:48:04 PM »
All the "Ref Axis" and any other button function that is associated with an LED, is a "Dual Function" LED-Button.

so basically, any button you see on there, that has a "built in" LED at the right side of the button, plus, any square LED, plus the LED's that are around the function buttons at the bottom, or Page navigation at the right are "Dual Image" LEDs.

The Up and Down arrows, second set below the Reset SOVR button, is to increment up/dn the programmed Spindle speed.

see second scxreen shot where you can see the dual state of the Ref/home button/leds

fun times
« Reply #61 on: March 16, 2011, 09:54:05 PM »

I've tried this cyan on grey color scheme for my mill screens. This looks good on the desktop pc but doesn't give a good effect in the workshop environment. I am planning to convert a lathe in the workshop. Whenever it's complete I'll try this screen set there.

« Reply #62 on: March 17, 2011, 02:42:18 AM »
It is good and comprehensive screen for Lathe. Now, how can I try it practically?
Mahesh Vyas.
« Reply #63 on: March 17, 2011, 04:27:48 AM »
Items i see missing is a Jog mode button and LED to indicate current mode. You probably rely on the tab key to bring up another screen like many screens in the past, however jog mode is something i prefer on the main screen and not have to toggle another screen up to get to it. Looks pretty good other wise, I to would like to see DRO for X,Z, A larger and colors set for better contrast. 

A lathe screen is something I'll monitor from 4-5 foot away while controlling operation from the keypad pendant I use to operate and control. Larger DRO's, being able to determine current state and settings from a distance is important for me. I do LIKE how you chosen NOT to use artificial glare on the dro's and buttons too.

Offline poppabear

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« Reply #64 on: March 17, 2011, 08:58:03 AM »
The screen shot is for the "Main" or Run page. I have NOT even started on the other pages.

Here is what I need to know from "You" (the lathe community):

1). I picked the Light cyan back ground, for the DROS, Labels, MDI, and G-code window that would give a good contrast to the Black text letters/numbers. IF the cyan (light blue), is TOO bright, or is unliked in General, then, someone recommend an alternative color ( I would need RGB setting, Hue, saturation and luminosity).

2). Enlarged DROS for Axis:  Currently they are 30 pixels in ht., I can make them mabey 35 with the current layout, but to go bigger would require a complete Redesign of the entire page lay out, since space is at a premimum. NOTE: an opiton may be to just put the X and Z dros in that space, and put the A DRO where the PILE of LEDs are to the right of it, mabey choose NOW what LEDs will be sacrifced off of the front page...... There are some LEDs there (i.e. the threading diagnostic LEDs that I could move to the "Diagnostics" page instead of the front page, and that may open up a space for the A DRO to live in, and be larger as well.  If I move the A DRO over, I could probably go as large as 50-60 pixels ht. but it would be a tighter fit, 60 would probably be the max though, and if I increase in ht, then I have to also increase the Width, which will cause MORE LEDs to be moved out.........

3). Jog indicator/control stuff: Yes I was going to put that on a Fly out (TAB) page..........   But if the community is wanting JOG status and controls on the main page, then, Where to put them, and WHAT will have to be sacrificed again. I can "Shrink" overall control size, from the 30 pixel hts, to 20 pixel hts. that would open up more space, but the text on the LED/Buttons would by necessity be smaller.

4). BETA screen Release:  When we get the above issues resolved, and I add the "Other Pages", I will release a BETA screen for try out and comments.

5). LATHE screen Users and Designers:  i.e. DaOne, Phil, Overloaded, Hood, Graham, etc.........   Please feel free to offer to HELP, or test, or make suggestions. The hope at least in my mind, is to make a "Practical" screen, that can be used easily Day to Day, without alot of poking around. I was wanting to keep the MAIN page to have the absolute What you REALLY need, to operate the lathe for work, and to move the Extra less daily use things to other screens.

6). I would also note that I am using the UDRO and ULED ranges 1900-1999 for INTERNAL screen use/functions.

7). Taken #6 above, Can someone who has moved the Lathe Wizards, Like in Phils screen (or Phil you can do this), send me a fully working screen sets with the wizards (bit maps, etc.) IF you want your wizards added to this set.

8). I had planned to move all the Turn Add on Wizards to the higher number screens, but I see that PHIL has already done this. BUT, Phils work is Phils work..... If he wants me in essence "copy paste" his Wizard sets into this screen I will (it would save me ALOT of work). If not, then I will just add the OEM Wizards/bitmaps into the screen set now.

NOTE!!!!:   Not complaining here, BUT!!!!, this is a BETA project, I really DON'T want to "Worry" about small details at this time. I just want to get a overall GENERAL lathe screen set OUT!!!  Things like: I dont like this color, or this or that LED should be here, or NOT here...... UNLESS it really impacts the FUNCTIONALITY/USABILITY of the screen set. We will put that kinda stuff off till another day........   Once the New "Maybe" OEM set is done ( I guess it would depend on if Brian likes it ). Users can then change colors, or add/subtract the little detail things.

Let me know something..............   Also you original LATHE set screen designers that chimed in on this thread, E-Mail me at: poppabear(AT)hughes(dot)net  I know who you are, so put both your screen name and real name.......  I will send you the "Alpha" set I currently have.........

As an alternative: if you would prefer to use YOUR screen set(s), then please let it be known!!!! You can then send out YOUR screen set so the rest of use designers can modify it, and resubmit it.......

NOTE2: For screen designers that email me above:  I am using "Real Draw Pro", so if you want to Mod and help finish this set, I will send you the .rdw files on it also. I am using Mach Screen (Klaus's) designer.


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Offline RICH

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« Reply #65 on: March 17, 2011, 06:10:23 PM »
1. The cyan background is to bright for me and would prefer  it dimmed.
2. The dro's are fine and definelty leave the A axis on there. I assume the Zero buttons are for
3. Have become accustomed to Phil's screen with the jog button and the indication of which mode. C/S/M could be used on the indicator light to save space.
4.Add just a light indicating which mode your in, ie; R or D in a box?
5.Program / Machine / Part as a selection of what the dro's are displaying....Not knowing what the run screen looks like maybe they belong there. Could also just be three smaller buttons in place of the machine cor. off button?
6. Possible to have an enlarged screen for code and display/ pop up?
7.As far as the wizards, i have not had time to go in and check each one ........ and there are more than the standard ones. For threading just include yours and the standard one so a user can select which to use ( keeps it simple ).

« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 06:12:27 PM by RICH »

Offline poppabear

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« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2011, 07:52:23 AM »
Hey Rich, (and others),

>1. The cyan background is to bright for me and would prefer  it dimmed.

Ok, I got this form several, so, would you or someone suggest a color (and put the values for it)?

>2. The dro's are fine and definelty leave the A axis on there. I assume the Zero buttons are for

Yes the Zero buttons are for World.

>3. Have become accustomed to Phil's screen with the jog button and the indication of which mode. C/S/M could be used on the indicator light to save space.

So, to be clear, you (and others), want the "Jog Controls", on the page with indicators (i.e. leds)? if so, where do you want them rough area? I will have to compact the Spindle control area, and Feed area, maybe even the Program control area, (i.e. reduce button sizes, and re-arrange space).

>4.Add just a light indicating which mode your in, ie; R or D in a box?

There is already a "Rad. or Diam." LED on the screen set in the LED area to the right of the DROs.

>5.Program / Machine / Part as a selection of what the dro's are displaying....Not knowing what the run screen looks like maybe they belong there. Could also just be three smaller buttons in place of the machine cor. off button?

I understand the difference between Program and Machine DRO display, but have never understood what the "Part" is or how to use it, can you send me a more detailed explanation? Will be glad to add it, just need to understand what/why/how it is used.

>6. Possible to have an enlarged screen for code and display/ pop up?

Don't understand what you mean by this one, can you explain it better? The screen set is standard 1024x768..... ?

>7.As far as the wizards, i have not had time to go in and check each one ........ and there are more than the standard ones. For threading just include yours and the standard one so a user can select which to use ( keeps it simple ).

Was planning on including the OEM wizards, plus mine, and..........  anyone elses?

NOTE: I sent to Phil, my screen sets and Bitmaps, since he emailed me off list, and offered many good suggestions.... some similar to yours (and others).
He ( I think ), may look it over, and give me ideas on how to implement them, or he may make the changes himself. I haven't heard back from him since I sent them to him only yesterday, and this screen stuff takes TIME.

fun times
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2011, 08:19:33 AM »
A more gentle blue for consideration.

Offline poppabear

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« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2011, 09:32:54 AM »
Color is a hot topic, here is two screen shots, for two other color choices,

a Green color one,

and the Nicer blue sent in by Overloaded........  ( I am kinda partial to this one ).

so, you fellers take a look at these two other choices, it appears that both of them are more muted than my LOUD choice..... hehehehe

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Offline poppabear

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« Reply #69 on: March 18, 2011, 09:37:27 AM »
oh, btw, I forgot to mention, if you look at the Z axis, the selected color for the green is a light yellow, and the selected for the new blue is white.

PLEASE: let me know, what of the Jog controls (buttons, dros and LEDs) that you want on the main page........  so I can make some room.

I can reclaim some space by moving around the spindle and feed controls, also, I can change the button/dro sizes in the Program congtrol, spindle control and feed control to 20 pixel ht, from the current 30 pixel ht.......  that would give me more room to add in the Jog stuff.........

Also: Several have said to:

1). Remove the Reverse run
2). Remove the "Mist" coolant

So I will remove those and replace them with two other functions, will take suggesions on what two function buttons to put there instead.

NOTE: a guy said that my spindle CW and CCW arrows look like the undo and redo arrows on windows........  so........  If those and any other ICONs bother you, PLEASE submit a .PNG Icon of your design.....  the ones I used come stock in the Real Draw Pro.......  I no longer have a working copy of "Fireworks", to do Icons in. I will ask Jay, if he would like to submit some, depends on how buiz he is.......... work from others if you feel like submitting for comment is appreciated.


« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 09:41:00 AM by poppabear »
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