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Author Topic: THE LATHE PROJECT - 2011  (Read 132157 times)

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Offline Leeway

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« Reply #100 on: March 26, 2011, 04:55:33 PM »
I looked at Mach screen again and I think I will hold off for what you gys come up with.
I did consider using it for a mill screen or for my router, but I don't have a tool changer and change my tools with offsets manually. It works, so I didn't really need anything complicated there. Mach 3 OEM screens work great for me in both.
The lathe is a different beast. With gang or turret tools, you effectively have an auto tool changer and each tool has different offsets.
It begs to be run the proper way with all the bells and whistles available to make it work most efficiently I think.
Therefore, I would not attempt a lathe screen. Not even modify one now that I think about it. It would take some dedication to grasp that and I am glad to see you guys going through with it. I would gladly pay a bit to have a screen that does all I need and looks decent.
Oddly enough, I have found that does make a difference. Enough difference to afford a better one.


Offline poppabear

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« Reply #101 on: April 11, 2011, 07:15:00 PM »
ok, sorry it has been a little bit......  had to do find some work....

Here is the "HOME" lathe Run screen (this is the NON-Production one, or the Hobby set, with most of the bells and whistles on the run page).

Please look it over, and comment:

per the previous postings, things were added/removed/changed till this screen set/shot.

fun times

Offline RICH

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« Reply #102 on: April 11, 2011, 08:33:13 PM »
Good job and looks like it's all there. I like the toned down blue as compared to before.
Only comment is the blaze yellow and green which are hard on my eyes and could be toned down some.

Thanks for the time and effort,

Offline Leeway

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« Reply #103 on: April 11, 2011, 09:25:52 PM »
Something I use a lot in mill is Go To Zero.
I don't see that unless I am overlooking it, but it would be great to be able to do this. Sometimes it is confusing which axis should move first, so split axis zero buttons would be cool.

Thanks for the work so far. It looks good. I would tone the Gcode blue down some more. Change the font possibly. It just seems harder to read than it should.
Bright colors aren't so bad to me, but toned down would not be against my grain either. ;)

Keep up the great progress.

Offline poppabear

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« Reply #104 on: April 12, 2011, 01:11:21 PM »

   Here is a new screen shot, with the Green, yellow and red colors muted down on the buttons. BUT!! the LEDs are still in the primary colors, there is just to many of them for me to waste a massive amount of time on, they are small, and if their colors really bug you, make them smaller or make your own LEDs. I used simple Priamary Red, Yellow and Green for the LEDs. The Boarder-button LEDs  I muted those down since they are larger and thus grab more attention.  I also changed the Labels backgrounds to the light gray, so that the Radius/Diameter mode label and others would blend in better, and the PNG buttons would not "Stick out".

Please note: Not complaining, there are just far to many dual state LEDs I would have to completely redo to tone down thier primary colors......  and since they can be made smaller, it is just not worth the time to me........  BUT!!  If you ("inset your name here"), want to redo all the indicator LEDs (the small square ones), let me know, and I will send you the list, and the Real Draw pro file, and you can then go and tone them all down by redoing them all.

I have purposely left room in the screen's various areas, so that users have some space to put their own buttons, leds, dros etc.

At this point at least from my perspective, the Run Screen (Hobby/Home wiz-bang version), is done.

Phil: If you or anyone else that may have all the Turn Wizard bmps from the wizard launch page, please send them to me.

Then next page is now on the chopping block: The MDI page........  so, if you want to chime in on what you want to see on this page, AND, do you want this page to also be a "Set-Up Page".


Perhaps someone can shed some light on this:  Of all the Image buttons, the "Load File" button shows strange, I have redone it several times in several common formats.
Here is what happens, the first time you press the Load file button, it sinks in (like you pressed it), but it does NOT un-sink!!! it says krinkled up.  I am designing this screen in Klauses Mach screen (latest version).  Standard buttons for the Load button func, does not show this behavior only the Image buttons, and ONLY for the Load File function........

fun times

Offline Dan13

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« Reply #105 on: April 12, 2011, 01:46:30 PM »
Looks good, Scott. I still think the Spindle CW and CCW icons are a bit confusing - look like undo and redo to me ;) I think if you add a cylinder beside the arrows they would look better.

Did you find the way how to add the tool offset number DRO?


Offline poppabear

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« Reply #106 on: April 12, 2011, 07:29:48 PM »

    I will leave the tool cylinder adding to you, once this set is done, overall, then you can take it and customize it however you want for your taste.
If the users here chime in and all REALLY hate my arrows I will add the cylinders.........  :)

Tool Offset "Dro", Yes, I can add that, but it will be done as a "user label" that is feed via the macro pump...... further, I could really only tie the H for the same tool, not a different tool. Since in VB, I would have no real way to track an H that was different from the T Current DRO.

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Offline RICH

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« Reply #107 on: April 12, 2011, 08:08:08 PM »
Looks good .......

Offline Dan13

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« Reply #108 on: April 13, 2011, 02:44:24 AM »

Not sure what you mean by H for same tool. If it means displaying the current offset NUMBER (not the actual offset length), then it's perfect. That's what's needed - no other thing.


Offline poppabear

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« Reply #109 on: April 13, 2011, 07:07:19 AM »
Dan, the H displays the offset number, just realize that it will only display the H that is the same number as the T. So if you set a different number H to the current tool, i.e.   T1020 (tool 10, H offset 20), the H that displays will be the H associated with the T in the current tool DRO (H10), not H20 that is in the G code.

so having said that, I dont think I will add an H "dro" since it would only report the same number as the T current dro.

IF someone knows of a way to grab "H's" that are different than the Current Tool Dro, please chime in........  The only way I would know how to get to H's would be non-trivial like getting and parsing the G code file, and then tracking the T numbers as it runs, to display H's associated with that T.

I am unaware of any Mach Specific VB calls that will also grab the current tool H offset.

If someone knows of a way, or better way, or I am having a Brain Fart, and there is an easy way to get to the H info of the current tool, please let me know.


Rich, Phil, DaOne, Graham, Hood, others........

please look at the screen shot above, you see the paging buttons, for the other pages, please consider the things you feel important should be on there.


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