Hi Art
I ask you a pleasure again ...
In the message of Bdock (
http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,11996.msg78241.html#msg78241 ) he says he has made these changes
********************* FIXES *******************
I have CORRECTED the calculations and transposed variables which caused the out of sync raster if the picture was not square.
This was basically a mixup of picture height, width and scanline length.
********************* ADDITIONS *******************
I have added a checkbox and m_Aspect to handle the ASPECT RATIO locking option.
I have added a checkbox and m_Inverse to handle the PICTURE NEGATIVE INVERSION option.
The inversion has been disabled in menuhandler.cpp at the present time.
I have ISSUES with the transfer of data to and from the dialog box and the XML profile data storage.
I have the idea that the issue is related to innapropriate use of UpdateData() at the wrong point somewhere.
The m_Aspect and m_Inverse states are not being handled correctly somewhere to and from XML and to and from the FORM.
I have got stuck trying to resolve the issue and have resorted to disabling the Inverse feature.
********************* END ADDITIONS *******************
I believe there is no problem in repeating the message and the source code since made them public.
You can see ( PhotoEngraving_Bdock.jpg ) the look of the window that is more pleasant.
Please tell us you can make this last effort.
On attached zip file (SourceEngraving_Bdock.zip) there is his source code.
In the afternoon I'll the description of how to use the accessory as Embossing Unit, of course, a video with the job, the G-code and photos for the configuration as a spindle.