Thanks for the timely reply.
The controller box is too hot to touch when idle but not the stepper motors, they are only hot after using them.
I left it on by accident over night and I am supprised that the box didn't catch fire thats how hot it was.
Would the resister have the ratings listed on them?
I will check the voltages like you suggested and post them here later but my machine is running right now so I will do it when it's done.
In my enclosure the machine, material, motors were all very hot, so I added fans to vent the heat and everything is much cooler. In the controller box I added vents and fans and so far it is cool to the touch.
I am using Mach2, I dropped my acceleration to 1.0 and my velocity to 1.0 so it wont miss steps for now, I will try to raise them to see when I get it to start to miss steps. The worst thing about low settings is that it pauses when contouring and the cutter is slightly burning the wood that I am cutting so I need to up the acceleration to so that won't happen.
I have Surestep stepper motors 276 oz-in, 2.8a, 1.1 ohms what settings should they be able to run at?