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Author Topic: Settings or machine problem  (Read 13780 times)

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Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2006, 07:38:33 PM »
When somthing is grayed out and there is a check underneath it does that should I check that in Mach3? It is for active low.
"Ideas have consequence" Ravi Zaccharias


Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #11 on: September 24, 2006, 01:04:06 AM »
If its greyed out then I think it will be because its not activated. What setting is it? Worst that will happen if you check it in Mach3 is it will go the opposite of what it would if it was unchecked, just have the E-stop button close to hand ;)
Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2006, 01:19:11 AM »
I put in all the settings into Mach3 and it moves on the scree but not on the machine, any tips? Is there any comon things that people miss that usually cause Mach3 not to work. I plan on watching the video again, the first time thru over I missed a few things but now that I actually touched the Mach3 interface I think I can just play with it and figure it out. The other thing is that the my machine make doesn't suggest Mach3 because they say it's not stable enough and it has some bugs.
Thanks for the help and I will be back on tomorrow to let you know how it's going.
"Ideas have consequence" Ravi Zaccharias


Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2006, 01:25:07 AM »
Mach3 is just as stable if not more so than Mach2 and it is a lot more powerful and adaptable, the makers are just too frickin lazy to set things up on Mach3 ;)
Do you have the port address set up properly on the ports and pins page? do you have the axis checked?
I am leaving for work soon so try a few things out and if you get stuck I am sure others will help you get sorted.
Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2006, 01:59:45 AM »
The one thing Mach could have done to make things is to make the setting page the same so it would be easier to convert over, they took three pages of input data and put it into one page and same with the output. I know it has more features so I am looking forward to switching over.  Thanks for your help.
"Ideas have consequence" Ravi Zaccharias


Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2006, 01:43:42 PM »
its a long time since I used Mach2 so I cant really remember the layout but I do remember thinking that it was set out a lot better in Mach3 with all of the common settings grouped together. The latest release of Mach3 again has grouped the Logic and State pages together under a General Config title, this again is IMO a good move :)
 Hope you get set up easily but if your Z is still missing steps check to make sure there is no binding anywhere.
Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2006, 04:35:16 PM »
Hi,  I've been wracking my brains on your problem, and discounting any problem with your computor port voltages if the missing steps happen on all of your axis and not just one the problem may lie with using a single power supply with all axises/axis (plural). As you have capacitors rated at 35v your power supply must be lower than this.

Also does the power-supply  supply enough current when all drives are running at max stepping speed?

The way to sus this will be to measure the supply voltage when all drives are active but not stepping, then run a program that uses all the drives and ramp up the stepping speed. If the voltage drops then youv'e maxed out the current capability of the supply.

To get really good stepping rates with stepper motors, a supply of 75 volts is required.

Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2006, 09:29:19 PM »
Hi John,
Where should I check on the stepper driver for the DC voltage? Should it be 75 volts per axis?
I'll give it a try and let you know what I got!
Thanks every bit helps, we are going to get this problem licked!
"Ideas have consequence" Ravi Zaccharias


Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2006, 02:29:53 AM »
Very much doubt if you will have 75V, the voltage should be checked after the regulator or where it connects to the Geckos, it is DC. I think with a setup like yours it will probably be around 25 to 35 V, going higher would do no harm but would involve getting a new transformer and capacitor so its not the easy option and what you have should suffice.
Re: Settings or machine problem
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2006, 06:19:29 AM »
Hi,  Hood is right. Although a power supply of 75v would be better, It seems by your explanation in the email this will not sort your problem immediately. You said that when the axis miss steps the steppers moan.

Are you saying that when the problem occurs, all the axises stop at the same time (for how long) and then start working again normally? This is the big question because if that is so we can eliminate some of the things it might be.

Your port and baud settings are OK. As are the current resistors. The mounting of the Gecko units should be OK for steppers under 3amps although heat transfer paste between the Gecko unit and the mounting would be better in the long term if you are using the machine all day every day. But don't worry about this for now.

Shielded cable has the earth/ground wire on the outside of all the other wires made like a lattice (similar to TV aerial cable or audio cable)
It acts like a Faraday cage and keeps stray signals from getting in or out of the cable long it's length. All of your signal wires should be shielded ( wires to the computer and the step and direction on the gecko's)

I hope I've answered most of you questions but to get back to the problem I need a better explanation of this moan from the steppers or perhaps a video of this problem happening.

Does the moan sound like a low vigorous hum?
