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VB and the development of wizards / Re: Z Down Feed Rate DRO
« on: December 26, 2015, 04:16:58 PM »
TP none taken.  So than in your opinion it is something not necessary  to do then?

VB and the development of wizards / Z Down Feed Rate DRO
« on: December 26, 2015, 02:39:47 PM »
Ok I have a DRO called Z Down Feed.  I am trying to set the DRO so that in the VB Script Slow is = to a value like 10 and Fast is = to 30.  When I write the M6Start Macro script and I use this example,

'Z Down Move
Const Fast       = 0
Const Slow    = 1

This way I can use the 0 or 1 which then can be associated with a feed rate of 10 for slow and 30 for fast.  Here is what I have now for my VB script for what I called M2002, which stands for DRO 2002.  Anyone have any ideas?

ZDownFeedDRO = 2002                 'Z Down Feed DRO defined as 2002
SetUserDRO(ZDownFeedDRO, 30)      'Setting Z Down DRO to 30
MyDROVal = GetUserDRO(ZDownFeedDRO)   'Get current value of ZDownFeedDRO) 


General Mach Discussion / Re: Tool Down DRO Position Button
« on: December 21, 2015, 03:41:56 PM »
TP, Thanks for taking a look at the code.  I will fix it the right way.  I do have a PDB button which I called Ext/Ret. That I can push it and the PDB will release the tool from the spindle and on the second push it will grab the tool into the spindle.  I may change the label on the button to Tool Grip\Release.  I do believe we spoke before and you told me once I got everything in place you would help me with my M6Start macro.  I am working on the ATC and trying to get it done but wow lots to do.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Tool Down DRO Position Button
« on: December 21, 2015, 02:34:52 PM »
Well through lots of looking on the net, I finally figured out one way to do it with code.  If someone has a better idea let me know.  I can now hit the button on the screen and the Z will goto the value I have set in the ToolDownDRO.  I think this way I can use the ToolDownDRO and ToolUpDRO for manual tool changes.  I also have a button that will be able to retract and extend the slide carousel and Powered draw bar.  I now need to work on the coding of how to rotate the carousel and select tools from withing the carousel.  This side of things is all just for the manual tool change process using the ATC.


ToolDownDRO = 2001         'ToolDownDRO code
SetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO, -2.5)      'Z Height to pickup or drop tool

MyDROVal = GetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO)     'Get Current Value of ToolDownDRO

code "G53G0 Z" Z-2.5

General Mach Discussion / Tool Down DRO Position Button
« on: December 20, 2015, 08:08:37 PM »
Ok I have a Tool Down DRO and next to that I have a Z Down Position Button.  The theory here is to be able to display the -2.5 down in the Z and the DRO will show the -2.5 when I hit the button.  Well it works.  Now I also want the button to move the Z Axis to the desired -2.5 when I hit the button.  This way If I want to do a manual tool change instead of using the M6START macro I can.  Anyone have any ideas?


ToolDownDRO = 2001         'Tool Down DRO code
SetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO, -2.5)      'Z Height to pickup or drop tool

MyDROVal = GetUserDRO(ToolDownDRO)   'Get current value of ToolDownDRO

TP, Thanks for the reply.  With trying multiple things and reading more on VB Scripting I was able to figure it out.  It works the way I want it to now.  In a nutshell here is what I was trying to do.  I made a label saying Tool Up Position, next to that I have a DRO.  What I am trying to see on the screen is the Tool Up Position for when the ATC carousel can slide into the extend area for the tool change.  At that point the Z axis will come down and pickup the tool, that being the Tool Down Position for the Z.  I added a button next to the DRO that says (Tool Up Position).  I can now click on the button and the DRO will indicate the Tool Up Position.  I am ready to take it a step further and make the button move the Zaxis upto that Tool Up Position so that I could do a manual tool change for when I implement my touch screen.  I am really making my ATC screen look similar to one I found on the net that I like with a few mods of my own.

I hope it all works like I have planned.



General Mach Discussion / How to make a DRO for Tool Up = GetUserDRO(2000)
« on: December 20, 2015, 03:32:39 PM »
Hello I am trying to learn how to make a DRO for one that does not exist.  I am using MachScreen and know how to make a DRO that is a standard code or OEM code but not one that I have created.  I want a set a number in my Tool Up DRO so that I know how High my Z axis is for my tool change.  Any help would be awesome.  Would it be made via a brain or VB?  And yes for the macro this distance is the distance that the tool is before the Carousel slide can retract. 


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Image button problem!
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:44:56 AM »
Klaus, I have still not figured it out.  I make the image button in InkScape, use a filter called sharp metal, and its just a square box.  I do have text in the box that says Zero in the middle upper of the box, with an X in the rest of the box.  The box is made to look like the basic Mach3 screen page 1 X button for X Zero.  The button looks normal at the start, but then when pushed it changes so that the button starts to go dark like there is multiple layers.  When pushed like 8 or more times the button reaches the bottom layer.  I have made my screen now just using the standard button image with machscreen.  It looks fine but just frustrated I can not figure out why the button that I had a filter on is doing this.  I must of tried several different ways and still could not get the image button not to do that weird thing. 



Machscreen Screen Designer / Image button problem!
« on: December 19, 2015, 12:31:59 PM »
I made an image button with Inkscape and made it look like metal with a filter.  I saved it, put into the bitmaps of Mach3.  Went into mach screen screen 11 for my ATC screen, clicked on image button add, selected the image from the bitmaps, assigned info code to the button.  When in the Mach3 software and I click on the button, it works but the button changes from light in color then when hit multi times it gets darker and darker until it just looks nothing like it should.  Then when I change screens and go back to the atc screen the button looks normal.

My question is why is this happening!!


Screen designer tips and tutorials / InkScape and machscreen
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:32:23 PM »
I am trying to make new button for my ATC mach3 screen I am making.  I have made some of the buttons in Inkscape and they look good.  Now for the problem, when in Mach3 and I click on the button it gets darker and darker until you just cant see what it says anymore.  It is almost like it is getting smashed deep into the screen.  Can anyone tell me what is wrong.  The button works it's just the image is messing up.


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