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Messages - Wallerawang

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Mach4 General Discussion / G76 Lathe Threading?
« on: October 01, 2020, 08:08:49 PM »
Hi All
I have read on the Smooth Stepper forum that G76 lathe threading doesn't work with some of the development versions of Mach 4. Is this still correct or has it been fixed in the later development versions?

HiCON Motion Controller / Re: FIFO Overflow Error
« on: September 30, 2020, 05:19:34 AM »
Hi - Thank you - that did the trick, I ran a 2 hour programme with no issues this afternoon. I think in the past I increased the buffer as I got another error message about running out of data or something like that, but I must have went too far - anyway all good now.

HiCON Motion Controller / Re: FIFO Overflow Error
« on: September 29, 2020, 04:44:08 PM »
Thank You
I'll give this a try after work today.

HiCON Motion Controller / FIFO Overflow Error
« on: September 28, 2020, 06:03:36 AM »
I have been getting an error - FIFO Overflow Error - Vector level : 316 Buffer size 1622 and another time with Vector level :365 Buffer size 1754.
This has caused the board to disconnect and the job to stop. Is this a Mach4 issue or something to do with my HiCON board settings? - I guess it's the HiCON as the board is disconnecting when it happens.
Any Clues please?

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: PMC logic help please
« on: August 23, 2020, 01:35:38 AM »
For those that maybe looking for this in the future I have attached a PDF on how to use the contact to get the logic you may want.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: PMC logic help please
« on: August 17, 2020, 03:56:10 PM »
Hi Guys

I have had more thought about this and I guess all I really need to know is if you can do an "OR" function in the PMC?

So if I have one statement that is true it would progress "OR" if another statement was true it would progress but if both were both were not true then it would not progress.

Like if data 1 is less than 10 "OR" data 2 is more then 11 then do task 3 but don't do anything if it's between 10 and 11.

Can I do that? I'm sure I did something like that in Mach3 Brains.


Mach4 General Discussion / PMC logic help please
« on: August 16, 2020, 07:25:17 PM »
Hello all

I have been using the PMC to get a control panel working on my mill - mostly successfully, I just need help with one item to get it 100% please.

I have a variable dial to set my spindle speed override, I read that with a Pokeys 56u and I can get it to work OK.

My trouble is that it works too good and it continually updates the spindle speed override dro every 10 milliseconds which is swamping the GUI and it locks up the screen especially if it is busy with other things going on. I have run a log to see what was causing the lock up and it just spins with the spindle speed override updates.

So I would like some help with the logic required to only update the spindle speed override if it changes by a 1/2 percent or so.

What I have so far:
- I read the register with the Pokeys info in it.
- Perform the maths required to to get that to output a value between 50% and 150%
- Write that to the Mach4 register for the Spindle Speed Override.

What I need please is how to:
- Read the Pokeys register and see if it has changed from the last cycle by more or less than 0.5 percent (both ways up and down) and only if it has changed carry on to the rest of the process and update the Mach4 register.

I am hoping by doing that the screen won't get swamped with updates.

Could some one please explain how to do this - which options to use in the PMC to perform the required logic to filter the changes in the Pokeys register - so if I don't move the dial it doesn't progress past that point to update the Mach4 register.

Thanks in advance

I read on the forth line from your code quoted "Integrated Mach4 THC". That is not the post processor you need as this is for the inbuilt torch height control that Mach 4 does. In the list of post processors that sheetcam has is there one that mentions Proma in it's title? If so select that and run it for a simple square you have drawn and post the gcode that it outputs and we can see more and advise you better. If there is no Proma post processor in sheetcam's list have a look for one - I suggest plasma spider is a good forum to join as you will get the help you need there and possibly a working post processor that will only need editing for the type of probing switch you use - floating head or ohmic.

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Axis reverse
« on: July 15, 2020, 10:03:23 PM »
It is easy enough to change the direction of your Y axis - Just change the direction pin output for that axis from active high to active low (or opposite to this if it's already active low) - this is in the pins setting of your motion controller configuration.

In my version of sheetcam there is a variable I can set to determine distance between probing. It is set within the post processor. I'm not at home now and can't give you the exact directions but I think it's under option, machine, post processor - pick your post and then click edit. You can set the distance between probes there in mine (I use the TNC3in1 height control). I am unsure about Proma posts but a lot of people use them so there must me a good post processor somewhere for them.

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