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Messages - calico

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I'm sorry, how to check "look ahead setting" ?
it's Pentium 4 with 2Gb memory

I just modify the previous reply with attachment

I can not see my attachment file I just reply ?
that's funny.

here it's

ok, if one axis move it's steady, I will test the voltage tomorrow, that will takes time to open the controller.

I will attach the xml also

I just tried... I can not wait till tomorrow.
the result is still the same.

I decrease the acceleration to 25% on each axis. so it's 50 on XY and 25 on Z.

no good

I will do test tomorrow the acelration.
I use Ballscrew with 5 mm lead on X and Y.
I use ballscrew on Z with I think about 1 Inch lead.
I use step motor with NO gear ratio nor belt reduction, it's a direct drive from motor to ballscrew.

if I do the radial cut with Z depth, it's 90% loosing.

if I do only circle/pocket cut it's like 30% loosing.

but never loose on Z !.

X Y binding or stiff ? I have no idea how to check, but I never bind nor stiff X and Y, I don;t know how to.

very notice loosing when cutting  radial on Sphere object, reading the lines sometime stop for split second, it's not smooth reading the gcode lines.

I don't think I have backlash on XY or Z.
the result when cutting sphere is not always the same spot (loosing step)
it's never on Z, I don;t think Z ever loose step, as far as I know.

this been happening since the beginning, but I never notice I though my feed rate is too fast.
now I know is not the feedrate.
I rarely cut Sphere, but since I found this problem I got to solve this by cutting sphere for testing.

I think what you said is make sense, I will check the acceleration between those 3 axis, and try the result.
here is the acceleration setting I had

XY steps per 157.48, Vel 1999.8,    Accel  200
Z  Steps per  100,     Vel 1999.8,    Accel  100

Out of interest, what are your acceleration settings. If it losing steps at the end, or start, of a line of code when in exact stop, this could still indicate acceleration problems. You have a huge difference in leads between your X and Y axes and your Z axis. I would expect you to have to have a large difference in your acceleration setting between these also. With a 1" lead on Z, it takes a very large amount of energy to get it moving and it could just be that it is too much.


X an Y axises is loosing steps.

I use step motor drive from gecko

what type of machine ? I built my self... it's a router with about 1 meter square travel

motor size is ... the diameter of the motor is about 4 Inch. forgot the nema size.

just tried the backlash off, still the same result.

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