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Messages - mhdale

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Brett, Do you mean have I actually got Both NIC Cards talking and the GREX hooked up... no, currently the machine I am working on is standalone and so I have not been spending too much time sorting it out as it is not priority. I have the grex talking directly to the PC via the On board MB NIC connection, when I get around to it I will be hooking up the second NIC Card to the lLAN and see if that works .... I will keep you posted.

Thanks I will Give that a try. It would be nice to get this machine on the local network, it will simplify updates and maintenance.

Thanks Guys, This is the first time I have tried to setup multiple NIC's in a Single puter before, The connection works when I use the Main Ethernet connection but the second NIc wont connect..... Do I need to have the connections Bridged? do bothe NIcs need a distinct IP address?

Hello all, I am having trouble creating a direct connection to my GREX..... It has been working fine through a HUB but now I would like to streamline the connection and connect it directly to my control system via a crossover Cable.... I have installed the Network Card and connected it to the G-REX via a crossover Cable .... It says I am connected but it is unable to find the GREX when I start MACH 3... what are the setting necessary to have this work? Use Small word please its been an early morning and My brain seems to having trouble starting this AM... Thanks in Advance


Scott, If I didnt have so Many I/O to deal with on this system that would definitely be a good solution.  I am trying to hookup a MOD IO to get some more I/O but that comes with its own set of headaches.... I will definitely file that one away as a possible.

GPDC The hard stop is the simple solution .. BUT the problem arises when the motor with the single limit switch hits the stop and limit first and lets say motor 3 still has a bit to go... the system thinks its squared but it really isnt.... You would need to go with 4 limit switches wired in series so the system will continue to drive the motors until they are all "bottomed" out against the hard stop.... It is the simple solution, for some reason a nagging voice in my head wont let me do it......sometimes my voice is right.. sometimes wrong.... The client is not very familiar with any automation equipment and I think might think less of us if the system makes whining chattering noises when it homes.... That is my current plan B should I be unable to implement one of the more elegant solutions...
Thanks for the input, I like to see what other people come up with!


General Mach Discussion / Re: Abnormal condition
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:41:58 PM »
Ok, I Spoke with ART today.....very helpful, seems that sometimes a fool comes along who forgets to ENABLE something in his config like the Home Switches *SMAK* Oh Well perhaps this will help some other fool..  :P

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Your opinion of Vista ?
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:29:11 PM »
Yup That pretty much sums up my experience! :D I used to get offended by the Mac commercials with the Mac and PC talking. The really scary thing is the ones about Vista are so on the money! It asks you about everything!

Mach3 and G-Rex / Re: GREX and Wierdness
« on: April 23, 2007, 06:26:03 PM »
Ok, I have discovered that it has something to do with the A Axis, because the Z Axis works just fine as far as following G code.... I have turned off the angular motion on the a axis is there something else I need to do to get the A Axis to behave just like x y or z?

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Your opinion of Vista ?
« on: April 23, 2007, 06:16:09 PM »
I recently bought a new system and it came with XP 64 which is the precursor to Vista... it was fine as an OS but it wasnt compatable with almost all of our peripherals and software so we tried Vista to see if it would be better, *Big Sigh* not much. Our peripherals were supported but only in the most basic form, none of the nice features that you bought the hardware for. And to top it all off our design software which is only a year old would not even install on it... so my feeling is it was very very pretty, and in the future I can see it being perhaps a bit better but the lack of support NOW really is shoddy.
My two and a half cents!


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