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Messages - docltf

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since you don't have hard limits you have to check your table for for travel clearance for every program.then zero X and Y.you can't run a program larger than your machine.
after you load a program switch to your toolpath menu and check your travel distances and compare them to you physical machine.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: First trials, working good!
« on: January 12, 2009, 12:36:36 AM »
ok the playing is over,time to cut something Mikko.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Inaccurate routing
« on: January 12, 2009, 12:28:22 AM »

run this program i sent you.use a .250 end mill or router bit,and a scrap piece of wood.it will cut a 2.0 inch circle.if it don't, work on you setup till it does.
do the routine.check motor steps first,then motor tuning,then etc,etc.


General Mach Discussion / Re: New to Site with Machine Questions
« on: January 09, 2009, 01:07:22 AM »

in your Z axis assembly something mechanical is loose or out of tram.when you load that cutter your capability to hold it true is not there.when you start to cut it digs in and loads out all the loose
motion that it can find.if you think that everything is true and tight then try taking a light cut.



If Brett was a little closer i could make the trip on one bail of hay and the small buggy.now it looks like to make the visit it will take the lumber wagon,two mules and four bails.
just can't cut corners anymore like the old days.



How far is your shop from myrtle beach,I might stop by and visit one day.



have you upgraded your motherboard bios.you might need to check on that.and also check your bios settings for your printer port so it is set for a dual function if you can.
you said your computer was a little flaky in the past. so you might need to do this before you mess with mach3.


LazyCam (Beta) / Re: Trouble With Arcs
« on: January 01, 2009, 03:53:37 AM »

that is a lot of explaining.if you look at the lcam you posted,at the chain and layer menu on the left you will see a pretty good list of stuff.then look at the menu of the lcam i sent you.that shows how much stuff had to be deleted.then i had to
connect all of the broken chains that i could.the chains that would not connect had to be repaired .the repairing process went like this.i took what was cleaned up and made a g-code and loaded mach.then i used the text editor to remove rapid moves
and connect the broken chains.imported the g-code back into lcam and generated you a lcam file.your dxf was a sad one.lcam has a lot of power,but is very sensative to bad drawings.the more you play with it the better it gets. lcam cannot
repair a bad drawing and it can have trouble with a good one.when you get you drawings down to where their are pretty good lcam can write a ton of code for you.i got lcam jerked around to do 4th axis stuff to.good luck to you!


did you find the resource menu that looks something like this.this is where the port settings that mach will use are stored at.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Deeper into the 4th A Axis
« on: December 30, 2008, 05:58:22 PM »

why did you give up? there are plenty of people here that will be glad to help. just post your A axis specs. type of motor,how you drive it,all the gear reduction stuff and should it be
angular or linear.


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