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Messages - jimpinder

Brian - I have tried compensation as well, and although not run any programs, I have noticed that it does not do what I think it should on the simulation.

I take it the theory of the G41 and G42 commands is that, if I and trying to mill the outline of a shape, lets say a simple circle,  then if I am cutting with a clockwise rotating tool, in an anti-clockwise direction, then if I set the tool to move round the circle at the required radius, the program will automatically apply (on G41) compensation for the radius of the tool, i.e. make the tool move out slightly, so the finished radius is correct - similarly with G42 - but on the opposite side.

When specifying left or right - does that mean the side of the tool you are cutting with, or the direction the tool will move when making compensation ???

General Mach Discussion / Re: web site going slow.
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:56:44 PM »
If you have done something, you have done it right - all OK now


General Mach Discussion / Re: Step losses in specific displacement
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:49:30 PM »
The power unit for my stepper motors is a pair of batteries (leisure batteries). Mine are 120 amp hour, because I use them to power a miniature railway train. 75 amp hour ones would be adequate. The batteries can supply the current (amps) without the voltage dropping and mine can power all three stepper motors simultaneously without a problem. I have a 24 volt battery charger that charges them up. Maybe this approach is cheaper than a mains power system.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Help with acceleration and speed settings
« on: August 01, 2007, 01:41:09 PM »
I dpnt think figure it out is the right phrase. You are talking about big, heavy peices of machinery.
I think your best approach is to start low and gradually work up to what you consider is a safe speed for the chunk of metal that is flying about.

I dont know what speeds you are expecting, so cannot really comment, but I would keep the acceleration low to start with, since it is this that will cause the problems, not necessarily the speed.

How long is the maximum travel.

Using the Mach3 stepper motor configuration, I would set the acceleration so the table reaches maximum speed half through the maximum travel (as per the graph on the syystem).  Keep increasing the speed until you reach what you consider the maximum safe speed, then gradually ramp up the acceleration to get you to maximum speed more quickly

General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle relay
« on: August 01, 2007, 06:02:18 AM »
Also check that the printer port output has the power to drive the relay.

I was connecting to my Omron inverter, but had to drive a relay with a simple transistor amp to get it going.

General Mach Discussion / Re: variable speed spindle
« on: July 31, 2007, 03:45:08 AM »
I can only recommend a three phase motor (240 volt) to replace your single phase, and an OMRON inverter to drive it. This gives very precise control of speed, because it works on frequency, and is programmable. My motor is about twice the size of the old one - about    1 3/4 HP instead of 1 HP to get over the loss of torque at low speed. I got mine second hand from my brother in law who is a factory electrician and most of these places have stuff that they don't use anymore. The Omron had apparently been in for repair, but was never used again.
My only problem is that it is not fully compatible with Mach3 - I have G3 G4 and G5 working (on, off, reverse) but the actual speed is controlled from the Omron panel which is next to the computer anyway. This is the fault of the Omron,(which is an old model)  not Mach3. It is possible to control speed on it directly, I just haven't got round to fixing it up yet!

General Mach Discussion / web site going slow.
« on: July 31, 2007, 03:30:08 AM »
Over the last week or ten days, the Artsoft website appears to be going at G1 speed rather than G0. It is taking me a long long time to recieve replies. Is this a fauilt at your end, or mine. All my other site are acting normally. I am on Tiscali.co.uk ADSL

General Mach Discussion / Re: stepper motor driving speeds
« on: July 23, 2007, 04:48:35 AM »
Thanks Brian - I will carry on at the moment, and get the system fully functional before I start trying to make things go faster, I am still waiting for my dual driver card from cncsupply - I have been waiting about three weeks now. I think the firm in in the States - they must be coming by paddle steamer !!!

General Mach Discussion / Re: A axis movement
« on: July 23, 2007, 04:38:33 AM »
If you are talking about jogging, you can assign any keyboard keys to any axis - see CONFIG/SYSTEM HOTKEYS

G-Code, CAD, and CAM discussions / Re: another sub-routine problem
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:34:33 AM »
I put a % sign after it and it worked a treat - thanks a lot
