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Messages - miller7596

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General Mach Discussion / Re: G code editor
« on: December 31, 2016, 01:51:28 PM »
This is what is in the editor C:\WINN\NOTEPAD.EXE. all caps and it is locked and I cannot edit it. Any suggestions? Thanks

General Mach Discussion / Re: Windows 7 64b and uc100 Mach3 Plasma
« on: December 09, 2016, 04:40:13 PM »
If you've slaved it, it should work fine.

Have you got the latest plugin, check on the manufacturers website. Cncdrive

Post your profile and someone will have a look at it

You can ask the question on the cncdrive forum website, Balazs is very proactive on there and he knows his product well.
I have it slaved with the Y axis In Mach but it does not work. Just cant figure out why

General Mach Discussion / Re: Windows 7 64b and uc100 Mach3 Plasma
« on: December 09, 2016, 01:03:05 PM »

General Mach Discussion / Re: Windows 7 64b and uc100 Mach3 Plasma
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:28:56 PM »
Have you setup the ports and pins and slaved the axis in the configuration screen
Thank you for the reply

General Mach Discussion / Re: Windows 7 64b and uc100 Mach3 Plasma
« on: December 08, 2016, 03:28:24 PM »
Yes I have. I had this system up and running on another computer with XP. I was wondering if the uc100 might do things different. Directions are kinda vague.

My name is Henry Miller,"jack of all trades and master of nothing"I live in southern Arizona,USA.I am new to CNC although I have installed an CNC lathe for a company I used to work for years ago. Worked on all sorts of mills and lathes in my life. Currently I am a part time Union Millwright and A Project superintendent for a construction company in southern Arizona.
I have wanted a cnc plasma table for a while and recently decided to build one.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Transfer Licence to a new computer
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:27:52 PM »
Thank you Tweakie for all of the help. I will try this when I get home tonight

General Mach Discussion / Windows 7 64b and uc100 Mach3 Plasma
« on: December 08, 2016, 01:26:20 PM »
Hello, I have a 3 axis system with 4 drive motors. X, Y, Z, and A slaved to the Y. I have it set up in Mach3.  A is slaved to Y. Restarted Mach afterwords. I have had this setup operating on another computer until the computer quit working. I have another desktop hooked up now and just running on demo until I can get it working properly, then I will transfer the licence over.
 I can get the x, z, to operate in both direction the Y will move both directions but I get no movement out of the Slaved "A" motor.

Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank

General Mach Discussion / Transfer Licence to a new computer
« on: December 08, 2016, 10:34:45 AM »
So, I have been struggling with getting my Machine configured to a new computer. I figured out that most of the problem was the computer I was trying to use had a motherboard isue I guess. So that particular Dell POS is going to meet with a pound of Tannerite!! Anyway, I have another pc that I am in the process of setting up and is running in Demo mode right now. My question is, How do I transfer Mach3 from one pc to the other and how do I transfer the licence?

I realize this post has been inactive for a while but I am having the same issue as Picengraver was having. I have had my machine up and running on a Compac with XP and worked great. computer quit working so I aquired a Dell with XP and have issues with the parallel port so I have added a port and still no luck. Now I have bought a UC100 and it seems to be working with Mach3 but no motion out of motors. I have tried a new motor driver, no change, New BOB now change. any suggestions?

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