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Author Topic: input value in DRO  (Read 17415 times)

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Re: input value in DRO
« Reply #20 on: May 08, 2008, 06:12:29 AM »
> in the mean time you may be able to manually set up a new profile, it would mean entering all the settings again manually rather than just cloning a previous profile but I think it would work.

I tried using MachTurn. I take the profile given at the install. No modification at all. I get exactly the same result as for DROs :
For instance, the DRO "Feed : inches/min" is 6.00 by default.
I click on it -> it turns white.
I hit '1'  (need to press shift - key(1) because there is no separate keyboard for numbers on this computer keyboard), the DRO value turns to zero.
If I validate with 'enter', it stays at 0. Otherwise, it turns back to '6.00'.
I tried all keys. Characters yield no DRO change. Numbers, '-', '+', yield '0'. Just depressing 'Alt' also yields '0' but NOT 'ctrl' or 'shift' alone.

There seems to be nothing special in the config of this PC (XP was just installed, not many other soft : office, CAD, antivirus and mach.
Really strange. I'll try to connect an external keyboard when I can. Otherwise, I have no idea.

Re: input value in DRO - Nearly solved
« Reply #21 on: May 08, 2008, 06:37:03 AM »
I just found something :
On the thinkpad keyboard (french keyboard), if I deypress a 'shift'+ 'Num/Defil' key, the keys 'J K L, U I O, 7 8 9' are considered like '1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9' of the numerical keyboard - right part of a 102 keys keyboard (sorry - I don't know the name of this right part of a keyboard in english).  And with these keys, IT WORKS : I can input values in DROs !!!
This solves my problem. But obviously, it would be more convenient to be able to use the usual numeric keys..

If it is not clear, I'll make a picture of the keyboard to show what works and what does not.

Anyway, thanks a lot for help. I really appreciate.


Offline Hood

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Re: input value in DRO
« Reply #22 on: May 08, 2008, 07:25:39 AM »
OK thats good to know you found the problem, I was just about to suggest you go to the operator menu and clcik the Auto Calculator option to see if that works. Give it a go anyway and you might like it.
Re: input value in DRO
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2008, 04:16:03 AM »
Auto Calculator option
-> YES !, I like it.  ;D

Thanks again.
